Mitsubishi Servo Motor-Daner Marketing Supply Co.,ltd

Mitsubishi Servo Motor-Daner Marketing Supply Co.,ltd

AC permanentmagnet servo motor

Workingprinciple of folding servo motor

Theservo motor mentioned here refers to an AC permanent magnet servo motor.

The working principle of the AC servo motor: The servo system is generally composedof a servo amplifier and a servo motor.

The rotor inside the servo motor is a permanent magnet. The U/V/W three-phaseelectric current controlled by the servo amplifier forms an electromagneticfield. The rotor rotates under the action of the magnetic field, and theencoder feedback signal from the motor is supplied to the driver. The driver according to the feedback value and The target values are compared to adjustthe angle at which the rotor rotates. The accuracy of the servo motor isdetermined by the resolution of the encoder.


FoldingMitsubishi servo motor classification

ACservo system classification:

The main seriesare: MR-J, MR-H, MR-C series; MR-J2 series; MR-J2S series; MR-E series; MR-J3series; MR-ES series;MR-J4 series.

Introductionto the functions of the commonly used servo motor series

FoldingMitsubishi servo motor MR-J2S series

1`Thisproduct also has RS-232 and RS-422 serial communication functions, through theinstallation of the servo setting software

Thecomputer can perform parameter setting, trial operation, status display andgain adjustment.


2`Theservo motor encoder matched with MR-J2S series adopts the absolute resolutionof 131072 pulses/rev.


Positionencoder, so it has higher precision control than the MR-J2 series, with highperformance

TheCPU greatly improves the responsiveness of the product, and the speed loopfrequency response is increased to 550HZ.


3`Multipleseries of servo motors adapt to different control requirements, the encoders onthe motor support ABS mode, as long as

Addinga battery to the servo amplifier creates an absolute position system.


4`Easyto use, with excellent auto-tuning performance, mechanical analysis function,can be easily achieved


Mechanicalvibration, gain search function, can automatically find the best gain value.

FoldingMitsubishi servo motor MR-J3 series


1`Thisproduct has USB and RS-422 serial communication functions, and is installed bypersonal computing with servo setting software.

Themachine can perform parameter setting, trial operation, status displaymonitoring and gain adjustment, etc.

Highlevel auto-tuning function and advanced vibration suppression control.


2`High-performance servo motor encoder with MR-J3 series adopts resolution of262144 pulses/rev

Absoluteposition encoder, speed loop frequency response increased to 900HZ, with highspeed / high torque characteristics,

Ithas the ability to perform more precise control than the MR-J2S series.

3`Multipleseries of servo motors adapt to different control requirements, the encoders onthe motor support ABS mode, as long as

Addinga battery to the servo amplifier creates an absolute position system.

4`More powerful servo setting software MR-configurator is more convenient to useand has precise machinery



FoldingMitsubishi servo motor MR-ES series

1`MR-ESseries can be divided into MR-E-A-KH003 from the control mode (position controlmode and speed control)

Mode),MR-E-AG-KH003 (speed control mode and torque control mode for analog input).

Thelatest encoder of the 2`MR-ES series of servo motors adopts the increment of131072 pulse/rev resolution.


FoldingMitsubishi servo motor MR-E series

TheRhombus AC servo MR-ES series is based on the MR-J2S series and maintains ahigh-performance but limited-function AC servo series.

TheMR-ES series can be divided into MR-E-A-KH003 (position control mode and speedcontrol mode) and MR-E-AG-KH003 (speed control mode and torque control mode ofanalog input).

Thelatest encoders for the MR-ES series of servo motors use an incrementalposition encoder with a resolution of 131072 pulses per revolution.


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