MitoQ moms on balance, purpose and starting small
MitoQ Limited
This account is for our MitoQ global community. Our NZ community can follow us at @mitoqnz
Happy Mother’s Day moms, foster moms, primary caregivers and all of the amazing people encompassed by the word “mom”. Hopefully, you’re reading this from the comfort of your bed while being served your favorite breakfast. While we know that won’t be the case for many of you – such is the life of being a mom – we do hope you find some time today to relax and soak in the amazing job you’re doing.??
Whether you’re a full-time mom, a mom juggling work and family, or you’re trying to maintain your balance amongst the multiple important roles you hold – many of us MitoQ moms can absolutely relate. We know what it’s like to strive to be our best at home, at work and within all the areas of our multifaceted lives. To inspire you and (hopefully) empower your multiple purposes, we thought we’d put together a collection of what helps us to maintain balance and give time to the things that bring us purpose.?
Liz Hancock - MitoQ’s Head of Brand & Communications?
"As a full-time working mum, you always feel like there's no spare time – so for me, it's about finding ways to combine things I love doing with everyday activities. My favorites are dancing around the kitchen with the kids to loud music while we're prepping meals or tidying up, cycling to work, having walking meetings, and getting out on the bikes with the family on weekends so we combine exercise with quality time. All of those moments, for me, make the insane sane again.”?
Simone Stanish – MitoQ's Commercial Analyst?
“I make time to exercise every morning, either going to the gym or for a run.? It helps to keep me fit and energized for the day, as it is always a struggle at the end of the day with work, kid’s activities, dinner and other household chores.? Also, I love spending time with my family down at our bach as we can truly relax and spend quality time with our girls as opposed to at home on the weekends, where there always seems to be something to tidy up or organize.”
?Asha Hira – MitoQ's Communications Compliance Specialist ?
“Never let the child within me die. Playing crack the egg on the trampoline combined with watching the color changes in the sky as the sun sets helps keep me in balance.”
Karlie Ritchie – MitoQ's Product Manager?
“A good walk or 20-minute workout at least every second day. It's a chance to clear the mental decks and ground myself. It kicks in the dopamine too, so I always feel more up and ready to engage with my busy boys.”?
Kate Gardiner – MitoQ's Chief Financial Officer?
“Getting out of the city to the beach and bush, especially when my girls are back from University. We just go really slow: sleeping, walking, reading, talking.? I’ve also started helping trap pests in the bush with our neighbor, it’s a really great feeling to be hands-on trying to help instead of just making donations.”???