Disclaimer: The content and opinions expressed in this blog post are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Amazon Web Services (AWS). Any references to specific AWS services, third-party services, or open-source tools are for informational purposes only and should not be taken as an endorsement by AWS. The guidance and implementation options do not constitute an exhaustive list of all possible ways to mitigate the risks identified by the OWASP guidance, rather it is intended to demonstrate some good practices you can apply to your CI/CD environments using AWS services.
Adoption of cloud has been driven significantly by organizations having unlocked ability to increase the velocity of which they release their applications to their customers. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines have become a foundational engine which our customers use to develop, build, test, and release their code into production in an automated and repeatable manner. These characteristics have also introduced new attack vectors which organizations need to be aware of to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their code. In October 2022, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) released a Top 10 on CI/CD risks highlighting specific security risks affecting software build and deployment infrastructure. ?
This blog post will focus primarily on how AWS services can be configured to mitigate these risks as highlighted by OWASP.?However, in some instances, open-source tooling may be referenced as well.??
The risks identified by OWASP?range from a lack of branch protection on software source code repositories to inadequate visibility and monitoring throughout the deployment pipelines.?AWS Developer Tools are a suite of AWS managed services that include source code management, continuous integration, and continuous deployment capabilities. These services, working alongside our Security services such as AWS Inspector,Amazon CodeGuru, Amazon GuardDuty,AWS SecurityHub, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) can be used effectively to reduce the risks identified by OWASP by automating the reasoning of software properties, and helping builders to develop release at scale in a secure manner. The diagram below illustrates an example pipeline architecture that can be used as a guide to implement the aforementioned AWS services for secure software build and release:
Figure 1: Example Pipeline Architecture
The following sections will highlight the main risks associated with each threat from the OWASP Top 10 for CI/CD pipelines, discuss recommendations to mitigate that risk, and provide implementation examples using a combination of people, process, and technologies.?
CICID-SEC-1: Insufficient Flow Control Mechanisms
Risk description
Flow control mechanisms are preventive security controls that enforce the flow of software changes through different stages of the software build and release process — compilation, build, testing, and eventually, release to non-production and production environments. As software source code changes progress through each stage of the pipeline, code reviews, unit testing, and approvals need to be implemented in order to ensure that software is released in a secure, consistent, repeatable, and automated fashion that leads to more resilient and secure software. A more specific example of a flow control mechanism is requiring an approval to merge software changes to a main branch associated with a production environment. The absence of robust flow control mechanisms within a system can introduce opportunities for threat actors to inject malicious or unexpected code directly into critical and sensitive environments without appropriate safeguards and checks. This could result in degraded or negatively impacted business operations or loss of sensitive information.??
To effectively address this security risk within the AWS environment, organizations should implement the following recommendations:
Define a pipeline configuration based on least privilege:?Create a pipeline configuration that enforces least privilege principles and deploys access control mechanisms throughout the CI/CD pipeline to limit unauthorized interactions and minimize the attack surface.
Deploy pull request approval mechanisms: Incorporate defined?approval rules for?critical junctures or for higher risk environments such as production pipelines where it makes sense. Manual approvals act as a vital checkpoint, allowing designated individuals to review and authorize code changes before they are deployed into sensitive environments.
?????????? Implement automated actions based on security checks: Integrate security checks in your CI/CD pipeline, with a policy which defines when to pass the build. Examples for checks are: static code scanning, software composition analysis and security testing.
To put these recommendations into practice within the AWS environment, organizations can utilize the following:
Use AWS CodeCommit:AWS CodeCommit is a fully managed source control service that provides secure and scalable code hosting. It allows organizations to implement robust version control mechanisms for their codebase and supported granular identity based policies.?
Branching and Merging:? AWS CodeCommit allows for branching and merging of code changes. Developers can work on separate branches and merge their changes into the main codebase when ready.
Version Control: AWS CodeCommit allows you to store and manage versions of your source code and related assets. It uses Git as its underlying version control system.
Pull Requests: AWS CodeCommit offers a Pull Request (PR) feature that allows developers to propose and review changes. This facilitates code reviews, collaboration, and ensures that code changes meet quality standards before being merged into the main branch. PRs can help enforce a controlled flow of code changes.
Restrict access to sensitive branches: Limit pushes and merges to sensitive branches such as the main branch. This is accomplished by defining explicit deny statements in an IAM policy associated to the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the repository that contains the branch for which you want to restrict access. By restricting access to these critical branches, organizations can prevent unauthorized software changes from entering sensitive environments.
Use approval rule templates: Use approval rule templates in CodeCommit to designate specific individuals or roles as approvers who must review and approve code changes before changes are merged into the main branch.?
Notify on sensitive pushes: Introduce alerts for pushes to the CodeCommit repository using CodeCommit triggers.? Alerts to development teams should be triggered when commits are merged into sensitive branches such as main. Alerts on critical events like pushes to sensitive branches serve as a defense-in-depth control.
Implement custom approvals: Implement AWS CodePipeline with custom approval actions to automate approvals based on security check results in AWS CodeBuild.
For detailed guidance on implementing these recommendations, organizations can refer to the following AWS documentation resources:
Inadequate Identity and Access Management (IAM) arises from the challenges of managing myriad identities used from source control to software deployment.??Access for both programmatic and human principals need to be provisioned and de-provisioned in a manner consistent with organizational security policies and risk thresholds. Orphaned or stale identities provide a threat vector for actors to use to gain unauthorized access to sensitive environments and information.? Furthermore, identities have a tendency to become more permissive over their lifetimes (e.g., permissions creep), making regular access reviews and effective permissions reduction necessary to maintain least privilege access.??
To effectively address this security risk within the AWS environment, organizations should implement the following recommendations:
Federate identities: Federate identities into AWS for centralized identity management, avoiding the creation of local IAM users. Ensure that users no longer requiring access are disabled or removed and that security policies align with the organization’s standards.
Continuously analyze AWS identities: Implement continuous monitoring and analysis of all identities with access to AWS Code services. This includes mapping the identity provider, assessing permissions granted, and verifying permissions actually utilized. Ensure coverage of all programmatic access methods within AWS.
Optimize permissions:?Optimize permissions for IAM users, roles, and policies across various AWS services to align with the principle of least privilege.
Remove stale identities: Establish an acceptable timeframe for disabling or removing inactive IAM identities within AWS and enforce the deactivation of identities that surpass this predetermined period of inactivity.
Share resources securely with third party: Long-term credentials should be deprecated in favor of cross-account roles or IAM Roles Anywhere. Continuously monitor and anticipate changes in third-party needs, and access patterns, and be prepared to revoke access as necessary. Implement detection methods to alert you to unexpected changes and measure the impact of revocation operations.
To put these recommendations into practice within the AWS environment, organizations can utilize the following:
Use AWS Identity Center: Integrate?AWS IAM Identity Center and federated identities to AWS Code services, with centralized identity providers for streamlined identity management.?
Continuous monitor AWS CloudTrail logs: Use AWS CloudTrail to continuously monitor AWS API calls to AWS Code services and collect data for identity and access analysis.
Optimize IAM permissions across principals involved in the pipeline: Leverage AWS IAM to manage and optimize permissions across AWS Code services. Use IAM Access Analyzer to automate least privilege policy generation?based on access activity.
For detailed guidance on implementing these recommendations, organizations can refer to the following AWS documentation resources:
Dependency chain abuse risks refer to the potential for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities related to how engineering workstations and build environments fetch code dependencies. This type of abuse can occur when malicious packages are inadvertently fetched and executed locally during the dependency retrieval process.
To effectively address this security risk within the AWS environment, organizations should implement the following recommendations:
Establish an internal package management solution: Restrict developers from pulling packages from untrusted or unknown sources on the internet. Instead, deploy an internal package management solution and have developers pull dependencies from there.??This allows you to have greater control over the packages used in your projects and reduce the risk of fetching malicious packages from external sources.
Establish a security review process for third-party packages: Establish a process for developers to request a security review of third-party packages.? Use a software composition analysis (SCA) scanning tool to identify vulnerabilities.? After thorough vetting of vulnerabilities, third-party packages may be added to the internal package management solution.
Scan container images for vulnerabilities: Enhance container image security by implementing automated vulnerability scanning. Continuously assess container images for known vulnerabilities using specialized tools integrated into your CI/CD pipeline. Promptly address and remediate identified vulnerabilities, ensuring the security of your applications dependencies throughout their lifecycle.
Integrate SCA scanning into pipelines: ?Instrument your software build pipelines with SCA scanning (along with static analysis security testing) to surface vulnerabilities earlier on the software development lifecycle.?This allows your developers to find and fix vulnerabilities in third-party code before software gets deployed.??
To put these recommendations into practice within the AWS environment, organizations can utilize the following:
Scan for Vulnerabilities using Amazon Inspector and ECR:?Utilize Inspector enhanced ECR Image Scanning and Inspector Code Scanning to find CVEs in third-party packages included in container images and Lambda functions. Amazon Inspector also allows you to embed container image scanning directly in your CICD pipeline
Use AWS CodeArtifact:?Consider using AWS CodeArtifact to manage and store dependencies securely. This allows you to have greater control over the packages used in your AWS projects and reduce the risk of fetching malicious packages from external sources.?
Define package origin control settings: in AWS CodeArtifact to reduce the risk of dependency substitution.?
Scan dependencies for vulnerabilities: Utilize third-party tools for vulnerability scanning of dependencies stored in AWS CodeArtifact. Regularly scan packages for known vulnerabilities to proactively identify and mitigate risks.?Open-source tools such as Automated Security Helper (ASH) to facilitate security scanning in your pipelines and local development environments.
For detailed guidance on implementing these recommendations, organizations can refer to the following AWS documentation resources:
Poisoned Pipeline Executions result in unauthorized modifications to key configuration files which build systems rely on to force the execution of malicious commands in the build process. For example, making malicious changes to a GitActions file, Jenkinsfile, or CodeBuild BuildSpec files which are used for fetching and defining the build stages. This could result in a threat actor obtaining the same level of privileges as the build job and performing unauthorized commands.?
To effectively address this security risk within the AWS environment, organizations should implement the following recommendations:
Introduce reviews of configuration files: Implement reviews against any configuration files used as part of the build process.??This can be done through as part of merge or branch control reviews. This includes code tests and other files used to pull down and run automated tests.?
Implement access control: Restrict access to manual actions that can trigger new builds, or override actions to introduce new and unreviewed config files?
Isolate development environments: Deploy unreviewed code to isolated container environments / development environments first to confirm expected behavior, and then push to production once conditions are satisfied.?
To put these recommendations into practice within the AWS environment, organizations can utilize the following:
Implement?separation of duties using AWS IAM: Within AWS CodeBuild, separate IAM permissions from the CodeBuild service role to the role adopted by the developer. For the role assumed by the developer, ensure least privilege actions.?Limit CodeBuild project actions based on request tags. For example, you may want to restrict a user’s ability to perform the StartBuild action on a build that is tagged with ‘Production’.
Separate CodeBuild jobs for branches and pull requests (PRs) from the production 'main' branch: For the codebuild job for branches and PRs, you can define the buildspec directly in the codebuild project. However, for the 'main' branch codebuild job, have the buildspec added as part of the pipeline CloudFormation/CDK/Terraform specification.
Implement CodeBuild webhooks: Avoid the use of developers having direct access to trigger StartBuild actions, instead implement a CodeBuild webhook event which will start a build once code has been merged to a specific branch.
Monitor repositories with Amazon EventBridge: When using CodeCommit connected to an external repository, you can also use Amazon EventBridge to monitor for state changes of that repository (i.e., when there is a new push). This can also be used to trigger CodeBuild to start a build.?
For detailed guidance on implementing these recommendations, organizations can refer to the following AWS documentation resources:
CICD-SEC-5: Insufficient Pipeline-based Access Control (PBAC)
The infrastructure with which the pipeline uses to execute commands often have access to numerous resources and systems. Threat actors with unauthorized access to these pipeline environments can abuse the high levels of permissions granted to this infrastructure to move outside of the scope of the pipeline execution environment, look for hard-coded credentials, or modify configurations across other resources and environments.?
To effectively address this security risk within the AWS environment, organizations should implement the following recommendations:
Control access to secrets: Create tightly bound secrets for execution environments, scoping them so that the pipeline only has access to the secrets it requires.
Use ephemeral infrastructure: Rely on ephemeral infrastructure for the pipeline execution environment, ensuring builds from a known good image, and that the execution environment is torn down after each build.
Use secure dependency sources: Ensure any dependencies needed for the execution environment are introduced from a controlled repository such as CodeArtifact, rather than being fetched from untrusted repositories on the public internet.
Avoid hardcoded secrets: Protect environment variables within the build environment by referencing secrets rather than hardcoding in plaintext.
To put these recommendations into practice within the AWS environment, organizations can utilize the following:
Deploy from hardened build environments: AWS CodeBuild allows you to specify a build environment. A build environment represents a combination of operating system, programming language runtime, and tools that CodeBuild uses to run a build. You can choose from pre-defined Docker images which AWS maintains, or you can define your own custom image which can be stored in ECR and then referenced from your project configuration.
Restrict privileged mode: Avoid running builds in Privileged mode so that the Docker container is not able to run over-privileged actions.
Leverage VPC endpoints: Configure the use of a VPC endpoint to grant the ability to retrieve dependencies from self-hosted repositories, or even access S3 buckets over private networking.?
Use Secrets-Manager: Leverage the env/secrets-manager?variable within CodePipeline BuildSpec to retrieve custom environment variables stored in Secrets Manager?
Segregate who can control artifacts: Using tags, control access to CodeArtifact resources. You can define which users can perform actions on a domain or repository resource, based on their relevant tags.
Insufficient credential hygiene refers to the insecure management of API tokens, passwords, and secrets contained in software source code, configuration files, and container images. CI/CD infrastructure will have privileged access to myriad software and environments (including production) by virtue of its integral role in orchestrating software, build, test and release.? Insecure management of secrets can lead to credentials being compromised by an external actor.? Leaked credentials are one of top three attack vectors (Verizon, 2023) to gain unauthorized access.
To effectively address this security risk within the AWS environment, organizations should implement the following recommendations:
Use a secret vaulting solution: Secrets should not be stored in source code, configuration files, or container image manifests where possible. Utilize a centralized solution for secure storage and retrieval.? Where not feasible to use a centralized vault, secrets in source code repositories can be stored in securely in an encrypted format and then decrypted at time of use with encryption keys stored in a secure fashion.??
Rotate secrets regularly: Secrets should be rotated to minimize risk of exposure in the event they are leaked.? However, it’s strongly recommended that your organization use ephemeral credentials where technical feasible (e.g., IAM roles).
Use ephemeral credentials: Use short-lived credentials such as IAM roles in lieu of long-lived credentials for human access, and where possible, programmatic access. This simplifies secrets management processes and results ultimately in increased security.
Hunt for hardcoded secrets: Establish automated mechanisms to regularly hunt for plaintext secret in public source code repositories such as GitHub.? Integrate this capability into core security operations capabilities for timely detection, response and containment in the event that secrets are leaked.
To put these recommendations into practice within the AWS environment, organizations can utilize the following:
Use AWS Secrets Manager or Systems Manager Parameter Store: In lieu of hard coded credentials, utilize either AWS Secrets Manager or Systems Manager Parameter Store to store and dynamically retrieve secrets from a centralized vault at execution time.? Both solutions can be used to centrally store and encrypt secrets but AWS Secrets Manager offer automatic rotation capabilities but comes with an extra cost.
Leverage AWS IAM roles anywhere: For workloads hosted outside of AWS, consider using IAM roles anywhere to use certificate-based authentication to trade temporary credentials.?
Use CodeGuru Secrets Detector: Enable scanning for hardcoded secrets in source code repositories.
For detailed guidance on implementing these recommendations, organizations can refer to the following AWS documentation resources:
The supporting operating systems and software that comprise CI/CD infrastructure need to be security hardened in accordance with industry standard benchmarks and best practices.? This includes modifying operating system and software settings and configurations to prevent exploitation by external actors.? Insecure configurations and settings represent flaws that can be easily exploited by external actors to gain initial access or gain a deeper foothold within your organization’s infrastructure.??
To effectively address this security risk within the AWS environment, organizations should implement the following recommendations:
Utilize software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions:?Develop a deep understanding of the shared responsibility matrix. Offload as much as the responsibility of security hardening supporting systems and software by adopting SaaS-based CI/CD capabilities.? Harden the SaaS platform using vendor or industry-recommended security best practices.
Harden underlying systems and software:? For portions of your infrastructure that are not SaaS-based, create security “hardened” golden operating system images and deploy them as the foundation of your CI/CD infrastructure.? Install and configure CI/CD software in line with industry- and vendor-recommended security best practices on top of these hardened virtual machines.
Continuously scan for misconfigurations and vulnerabilities: Find and fix security misconfigurations and vulnerabilities on an on-going, regular basis.? Remediation work to address these security issues should happen in line with your organization’s policies and risk thresholds.??
To put these recommendations into practice within the AWS environment, organizations can utilize the following:
Use CodeBuild and CodePipeline for CI/CD orchestration: CodeBuild and CodePipeline are AWS managed continuous integration and continuous deployment services.??
Use curated Docker images in CodeBuild:? CodeBuild provides standard Docker images for meet the needs of different build environments, including runtimes.? Where possible, you should try to use these curated images.? Where customized build environments are required, start with these images as your base image, and then add additional image layers on top to fit your specific needs.??
Enable AWS Security Hub on accounts running CI/CD infrastructure: Security Hub is a cloud security posture management service that automates best practice checks, aggregates alerts, and can be used to support automated remediation. In a multi-account environment where CI/CD infrastructure is hosted in one or more AWS accounts, enable Security Hub checks and aggregate those findings into a centralized account.
Scan for misconfigurations in CI/CD pipeline: utilize open source tools such as Cloudformation Guard and Automated Security Helper (ASH) to scan for misconfigurations in infrastructure-as-code templates and configuration files in your CI/CD pipeline.?
Use?Amazon Inspector: Amazon Inspector will scan ECR images for vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure.
For detailed guidance on implementing these recommendations, organizations can refer to the following AWS documentation resources:
CICD-SEC-8: Ungoverned Usage of 3rd Party Services
Risk Description
The software build and release process requires the orchestration of myriad different tools working in concert with one another. CI/CD tooling such as source code management and continuous integration software will often include multiple third-party software, services, and infrastructure that require access, to and between, tools in this complex ecosystem.??
To effectively address this security risk within the AWS environment, organizations should implement the following recommendations:
Enforce least privilege access: Teams involved in provisioning third-party access to CI/CD infrastructure should provision access with least privilege in mind.??
Restrict outbound network traffic to third-parties: Implement egress network traffic controls to prevent CodeBuild from accessing untrusted or unknown third-parties.??
Perform regular cleanup of third-party access: Maintain an accurate and current inventory of CI/CD tooling used and perform regular audits to revoke access where access is no longer required.
Monitor IAM events for potential threats: Use threat detection tools to monitor for potential anomalous access that could be indicative of a potential threat in the environment.
To put these recommendations into practice within the AWS environment, organizations can utilize the following:
Use IAM Access Analyzer to enforce least privilege access: AWS IAM Access Analyzer generates IAM policies based on access activity in AWS CloudTrail logs, helping you to implement least privilege policies.
Embed IAM Access Analyzer directly into the CICD pipeline: Identify when builds provide new permissions to existing policies, or where permissions matched against a list of blocked actions is attempted to be added to a policy.
Restrict CodeBuild VPC outbound traffic: Configure CodeBuild projects to run inside a VPC and use Network Firewall to restrict third-party access.
Enable GuardDuty threat detection: Enable AWS GuardDuty for real-time threat detection using machine learning techniques.? GuardDuty monitors CloudTrail events to analyze IAM actions via CloudTrail and will alert customers upon identifying potential unusual access by an IAM principal against a resource.? Develop and test incident response playbooks to ensure timely and appropriate triage, containment and recovery steps.??
For detailed guidance on implementing these recommendations, organizations can refer to the following AWS documentation resources:
Inadequate validation of artifact integrity within the CI/CD process poses a security risk, allowing threat actor with access to any system within the process to introduce malicious code or artifacts without detection. This vulnerability arises from the absence of robust mechanisms for validating code and artifacts. The complexity of CI/CD, involving various contributors and resources from multiple sources, creates numerous potential points of tampering.
To effectively address this security risk within the AWS environment, organizations should implement the following recommendations:
Sign code:?When developers make changes to code, they should sign it with their unique key. This helps make sure that only authorized changes are allowed.
Control configuration changes: Implement mechanisms to detect resources which provisioned without a signed infrastructure-as-code.
To put these recommendations into practice within the AWS environment, organizations can utilize the following:
Create SBOM using Amazon Inspector:?An SBOM is essentially a detailed inventory of all the open source and third-party software components present in your codebase. Amazon Inspector can produce SBOMs for each resource within your environment. These SBOMs, when exported from Amazon Inspector, can provide valuable insights into your software supply chain, including details like your frequently utilized packages and the vulnerabilities associated with them across your entire organization.
Use AWS Signer to sign AWS Lambda and container images: Enabling code signing for AWS Lambda functions and container images guarantees that only code from trusted sources is executed within your Lambda functions. When this feature is activated for a function, Lambda meticulously examines each code deployment to confirm that the code package has been signed by a trusted entity.? For container images, sign images prior to upload to ECR using the Notation client.??
Use AWS Config to monitor for configuration changes: Define rules to identify configuration drifts, When drifts are detected, take automated actions validate the change is legitimate.
For detailed guidance on implementing these recommendations, organizations can refer to the following AWS documentation resources:
Insufficient logging across the stages of the CICD environment introduces gaps in the ability to detect potentially abnormal behavior or unwanted configuration changes. The absence of logs and observability equally impacts incident responders who are attempting to investigate incidents and determine root cause.?
To effectively address this security risk within the AWS environment, organizations should implement the following recommendations:
Identify components across environments: Ensure complete coverage and group components into their workload / application boundaries, to easily map resource to application and to ownership.
Enable and extract relevant log sources across resources: This includes the entire stack across infrastructure, control plane, data plane, and application level logs.?
Centralize to a single location: Allow for easier consumption of downstream analytical systems such as SIEM, analysis, and correlation tools.
Baseline ‘normal’ behavior: Create alerts against deviations of this baseline. Identify and document expected configurations across workloads and trigger alerts when these resources move out of compliance to that configuration.?
To put these recommendations into practice within the AWS environment, organizations can utilize the following:
Use GuardDuty:?Enable GuardDuty across accounts hosting CICD infrastructure: GuardDuty will consume, correlate, and use machine learning to create alerts on abnormal behaviors and known bad traffic patterns within your accounts.?
Enable CloudTrail: AWS CodeBuild is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in CodeBuild.?
Configure Amazon CloudWatch Metrics: Amazon CloudWatch Metrics can be configured to watch software builds, report when something is wrong, and take automatic actions when appropriate. Example metrics include:?
How many builds were attempted in a build project or an AWS account over time.
How many builds were successful in a build project or an AWS account over time.
How many builds failed in a build project or an AWS account over time.
How much time CodeBuild spent running builds in a build project or an AWS account over time.
Build resource utilization for a build or an entire build project. Build resource utilization metrics include metrics such as CPU, memory, and storage utilization.
View detailed build information with CloudWatch Logs: View entire build logs using CloudWatch logs. Ensure these are protected with KMS encryption and have the appropriate retention policy for your organization.?
For detailed guidance on implementing these recommendations, organizations can refer to the following AWS documentation resources:
There should be a steady and continued focus on finding and fixing security issues in first- and third-party code.? However, the responsibility and accountability of this should not fall entirely on security teams.? Instill a culture of security within your development and cloud infrastructure teams.? Each engineer and engineering team in your organization should own the security of their respective services and infrastructure.? That is, they should make informed security decisions and drive fixes of security issues in their own services and applications with security teams enabling and empowering them to do so. To scale this discipline, establish a culture of distributed security ownership in your engineering organization.??
In addition to a culture of security ownership in your engineering teams, consider the security of your software development supply chain.? The infrastructure that hosts your CI/CD tooling as well as access to this infrastructure should be strong considerations in securing your applications.? ?Employ a layered approach starting with controls such as regularly scanning for vulnerabilities in first- and third-party code in your CI/CD pipelines, enforcing least privilege access using IAM roles and policies, and enabling GuardDuty to quickly detect potential threats in CI/CD infrastructure.
Finally, AWS recommends implementing the architecture best practices specified in the Security Pillar of the Well-Architected Framework. The Security Pillar contains guidance on how to implement application security controls to protect the CI/CD pipeline, implement regular scanning for security issues, and enable distributed ownership of security within development teams.
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