Mitigating Extensive Losses from Hail and Resultant Water Damage.
When hail wreaks havoc on a property, assessing the extent of the damage is not always straightforward with failure to discover all resultant damage from water ingress early leading to substantial claim cost and lifecycle blowouts.
During the 2020 Springfield Lakes hailstorm, hundreds of homes incurred hail damage and rainwater ingress that eventually resulted in entire houses needing to be stripped back to bare frames internally due to microbial contamination.
Unfortunately during the the Springfield Lakes CAT event, there was inappropriate microbial sampling being conducted which included taking samples from timbers inside roof voids and incorrectly attributing the mould identified to the rainwater ingress when it was actually "normal" pre-existing levels of mould typically identified in roof voids. Unfortunately, there were claims where the roof framing of the entire house was remediated or replaced based on poorly conducted mould sampling and bad advice.
Identifying Hidden Damage
Whilst damage to roofing materials and plasterboard ceilings is relatively easy to spot, hidden excess moisture or damage to materials like interior wall linings, skirting boards, and built-in cabinets may go unnoticed.
A thorough material moisture assessment utilising thermal imaging and other non-invasive moisture investigation methods within 48 hours of the event can significantly improve the chances of damage identification and enable swift action to help prevent the onset of microbial growth.
Drying Time and Microbial Risks
The risk of microbial growth largely depends on how long the affected materials have excess moisture. If materials remain damp for an extended period, microbial growth is inevitable.
Best Practices for Addressing Hail and Water Damage
The Cost of Delay
A delayed response could inflate costs dramatically. A claim that might have been a minor $5,000 extraction, cleaning and drying claim could easily exceed $100,000 total restoration, excluding the costs to install new materials.
How Restoration Industry Consultants Can Help Mitigate Loss
RIC is committed to ensuring compliance, reducing claim life cycles and getting families back into their homes as quickly as possible. In addition to conducting assessments and authenticating required works both in-person and by virtual assessments, we also offer:
By taking a rapid proactive approach, insurers can mitigate extensive losses from hail and water damage, leading to more efficient claims handling and satisfied customers.
A number of helpful resources can be found on the RIC Solutions website Resources Page or contact us directly to learn more 1300 376 666 - [email protected]