The benefits of cloud accounting are enormous, but the effect of the risks can easily overwhelm them if not professionally managed. I expatiated on the benefits of cloud computing in my article "the pros of cloud accounting." In it, I mentioned how you could fully reap the benefit for your company. But, equally, it is essential to have a broad knowledge of the probable challenges cloud accounting might pose and its solutions. So let us look at the risks.

Internet connectivity

To operate cloud-based accounting solutions, you need the internet to connect. Unfortunately, the internet is unstable in some parts of the world to support the accounting platform. Activities like billing and accounting would not happen without an internet connection and may seriously impact the business's ability to generate profits. The cost of an internet connection could be problematic, too, in some climes.

5G has come to solve much of the connectivity issue. There is the belief that there will be efforts to ensure that the internet's capacity is guaranteed. SpaceX will launch an affordable, low latency, broadband internet that meets the global customers' needs by 2022. The internet will be fast, reliable, and relatively inexpensive.

Unnecessary cloud expenses

Cloud accounting has continued to gain more momentum, and many people key into it every day. The involvement of new participants poses the temptation of incurring avoidable costs. The frivolous spending might be partly due to improper planning of actions, not having the proper understanding of how the cloud works, wanting to launch into the cloud in a hurry or using less qualified personnel. Those actions increase the cost beyond what it should.

To minimize the risk of overspending, an enterprise should employ professionals with recent qualifications and relevance. The IT staff responsible for the planning and implementation of cloud systems should be at the managerial level. The company should scrutinize the IT expert's output to ask questions and obtain clarifications on grey areas. The company in need of cloud service should also engage numerous technological solution providers to pick the most suitable.

Adoption of multiple cloud environments

The use of poly cloud environments as a strategy is becoming more acceptable across today's business managers. That brings involvement with numerous types of cloud systems and multiple cloud providers. As a result, harmonization, security, and robustness of processes among the organization and the cloud providers become a concern.

It is crucial to involve the end-users of the cloud service at the beginning of the planning process. Considering their concerns is helpful. Capacity training will better inform the staff in preparedness for the cloud. The company should also develop ways of managing the complexity of the vendors and other stakeholders. When choosing the infrastructure, the company's interest is to buy reliable ones.

Migrating data onto the cloud

Apart from the stakeholder's issues is migrating to the cloud. There is a usual problem in transferring data from one application onto another. Those may be the risks of theft of information, budget overflow, unmatched requirements, unavailability, loss of revenue, or damage to the company's image.

You can surmount the hurdle related to transferring information by using phasing implementation to give room to testing as the migration moves ahead. An entity should make a realistic budget in terms of time and costs for implementing the cloud. And, learning from successful past operators will not be a bad idea. You can also utilize the services of specialists to help in the migration.

Inexperience in cloud service

Many enterprises are not ready for the emergence of the cloud but only responded to competition pressure. And so, they do so without adequate preparation and experience. There is a high possibility of discarding the system halfway before getting to the benefits for such companies. The project turns out to abandoned venture. The time and money spent become wasted.

Specific training about the cloud will remove the problem of inexperience. The enterprise should have a dedicated appraisal team that will monitor and give feedback on the cloud system, simplify processes by giving them a human face. That will make the operations friendly and smooth. Occasional airing of past success stories will do magic in guaranteeing that there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Price instability

We live in times of uncertainty. Prices of materials and machines change at will, causing fluctuations in the company's cost plan. Fluctuations cause changes in prices on the program to launch cloud service. The unseen expenditures that arise as the implementation process goes along also increase the budget variance. Those will have an outlandish effect on the total delivery of the undertaking.

You can overcome the challenge of rising costs by consciously developing a cost budget to serve the cloud project. Employment of cost estimators could foresee probable expenditures. You can likewise include a contingency plan where you warehouse some funds for unseen conditions.

Compliance with government regulations

Because of the nature of data that the cloud uses, government superintends over the information environment. Therefore, the possibility of changing the government's compositions or altering the existing policies may pose concerns. In addition, the cloud service provider likely resides in another country. Those mean various laws to comply with by users.

Creating compliance protocols within the security frameworks will help roll call applicable rules, and complying becomes easier. The entity should employ a cloud management solution that adheres to regulatory conformity for maximum data safeguard.

Loss of control over availability

Most cloud accounting uses a subscription-based software model that is a software as a service model. You do not own the system. The limit of your control over the accessibility is what you pay monthly or yearly. That is a challenge because if you fail to pay on time, the system may be unavailable. The extent of the risk varies with the size and the premium the user places on the cloud service.

To eliminate the risk of unavailability, ensure you meet up with the payment and renewal schedules. You may look for cheaper service providers or the ones that offer huge discounts when you pay for one year, for instance. You could also look for providers operating without automatic lock-out.

Lock-in concern

A customer is locked in when it is costly to change a cloud service. As the contract advances, service may become inferior as the vendor could drop quality, changes product offerings to the extent of not meeting the desired user's threshold, goes out of business, or increases the price.

When buying cloud services, be careful about buying from cloud service providers whose integrity is shaky. Especially make sure you can trust them. Seek the assurance from the beginning that the services are compatible with other providers. In addition, you should endeavor to have a comprehensive understanding of the requirements from all angles.


Although the problems are visible, applying the tactics to alleviate them will save companies from being caught unawares. Adequate identification and planning will go a long way in solving the ordeals of those challenges. The inability to key into cloud computing will ultimately leave one with no other choice than to become irrelevant with time. However, the gains from knowing ways to ease the risks and the actual benefits of cloud accounting are there enough not to ignore.

Samuel Oluwafemi Olaleye

Senior Financial Analyst @ Canadian Red Cross

3 年

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