Miteri Saino" a special relation
Bhupal Niroula
Founder @ Better Life Social Organization | Nonprofit Volunteering, Fundraising
Mit or Mitini is a special relation build up in Nepali culture. This is the way of making a special friend but not as girl friend or boy friend. But it is the relation that is made with special rituals among boys and girls themselves. The male is known as Mit and female is know as Mitini. Once you become mit or mitini then you are life long friend that is bonded with special rituals. And then there build the special relation between the two family of the person who becomes mit and mitini with each other. The both parents considers them as their own sons and daughers. And they have family relation after that. Relatives can't get married with the one they are related with.
This comes as a general culture that exits in every tribe in Nepal one can have mit relation with any of the tribe. But they have special rituals like pujas etc. to declare themselves as mit or mitini. It is also belived that if there are similar kinds of people with their names, interests, habits etc it is more liable to have that relation between them but sometimes if people frequently quarrel with each other and fight often then also their parents makes them mit or mitini. This is the symbol of the friendship and love. This is the good part of this relation. Onece you become mit or mitini you need to have special treat with each other. You need to talk with your mit or mitini with respect. You need to greet. It is not polite to behave in the same way before. So this special relation is one of the culture in Nepali tradation.