There are many negatives about 8th house as it deals with death, mysteries, black magic, accident etc etc etc and hence 8th house in astrology is often misunderstood.

People generally link it with accident, injuries, unexpected illness etc.. any planet sitting here is not good but this is due to not understanding of astrology well.

The 8th house is considered as DUSTANA HOUSE in vedic astrology but along with its also called PANAPARA HOUSE means house related to wealth.

Lets understand it more about 8th house in our horoscope.

8th house is 12th from 9th house, which means vyay / loss in ur spirituality. It means how much actually spiritual one is seen through 8th house.

9th house shows one’s spiritual inclination while 8th house show how much one is involved in SPIRITUALITY. How much time one donate for spiritual progress.

Malefic planet’s impact on 9th house shows less involvement while benefics here shows more involvement, provided 9th house also gives ur spiritual inclination with other combination of the houses.

The 8th house is 4th fourth from 5th house. The 5th house represent one’s primary education, children, one’s work culture. So 8th house represent happiness that one will get from their job, children and ur education.

8th house how much one will be involved in their education related actitities.

8th house is 2nd from 7th and so it represents how much affection and love one hold for his / her partner.

8th house is 11th from 10th house and so it represents how much will one gain through the profession, promotion, increament and interview results will be decided by 8th house.

8th house is the second to the 7th house and 7th house indicates those with whom you transact. Either he who pays you or he who receives from you, both are indicated by the 7th house. The 8th house shows the money of the person with whom you transact.

Benefic planets impacting 8th house here shows positive career growth and gains from it.

The 8th house also indicates receipt of gifts, legacy, money of the deceased, unearned income, insurance, bonus, gratuity, provident fund, arrears of pay, entangled money, etc.

Also it is said that the repayment of loan is indicated by the 8th house. If the period of the planet owning and occupying the 8th house operates, will I receive money or will issue cheque towards the loan amount which one borrowed?

If the significator of the 8th house is also the significator of the 12th house, then you issue the cheque and the other person puts the cheque in his bank. If the significator of the 8th house is also the significator of the houses 6 and 11 , then he gives (6th) and you gain (11th). Therefore, the significator of 8 and 12 show repayment of loan or lending loan whereas the significator of 6, 8 and 11 indicates gain of money.

8th house is 7th from 2nd house and so 2nd house is one’s ancestral property and accumulated wealth one have and so 8th house represents issues related to ancestral property and accumulated wealth with another person who is also partner in it. A strong 8th house means better control on ancestral property.

8th house is 5th from 4th and 4th house represent general Happiness so 8th house represent how much one is deeply involved for his happiness and how much is one aware of what happiness for him.

A good 8th house means u know little things which can make u happy whereas malefic effect will never make u happy even in biggest opportunities.

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