Mistakes > Perfection
Randy Limas
Financial Data Analyst | SQL | Python | Power BI | Investment Research | Market Analytics
You're Smarter Than You Think!
Don't you wish that life was like the movies?
You know, with all those great endings where everything works out perfectly. The hero finds true love and saves the world in one fell swoop (or it’s a series of smaller steps) and everyone lives happily ever after.?Well, I've got news for you: Life isn't like the movies!
And if your goal is to be happy, this might just benefit you! Because when things don't go according to plan—and they never do—you can focus on what really matters: learning from your mistakes so you can move forward with confidence into step two of whatever comes next.
So, let's talk about how entrepreneurs and managers can learn from making mistakes...
Some people may spend their lives attempting to avoid making errors, but as a result, they strangle their organizations and professions. It's impossible to achieve perfection! Sure, they make fewer mistakes, but because they waste so much time striving for perfection, they accomplish less in the long run!
In business, time is money! A great job tomorrow may be more profitable than a good job today.
If rock star Jon Bon Jovi did not understand this concept, his career may have ended before it began. When he was 21 years old, he won a radio station's contest to record his first song, and everything changed. He formed a band and released a gold-certified debut album the next year. They were soon headlining Madison Square Garden alongside ZZ Top.
The band members were driven to record a second album and do so while the iron was still hot. It was released in 1985, despite poor reviews. Jon was dissatisfied with the record and wanted to improve it, but he felt he lacked time.
The band overcame the obstacle, and after releasing a better composed and produced the third album in 1986, they moved on. Jon still wasn't satisfied with the record because he didn't feel one track was good enough to make the cut. Fortunately for him, he listened to people who understood the music industry's commercial side.
"You Give Love a Bad Name" was the song. It became one of the band's most recognized songs and helped propel the album to number one. This propelled them into superstardom, and they sold over 100 million albums. They might have lost their record label's support before they reached the third album if they hadn't rushed it out the door.
Tom Scholz is another rock legend who is frequently referred to as the smartest man in the history of rock music. He has a master's degree in mechanical engineering from MIT and has been credited with 34 patents in the United States.
Boston's first album, released in 1976, sold over 16 million copies and is the best-selling debut album ever. It's also regarded as one of the finest-sounding albums in rock history because Scholz played all instruments and produced it himself. He's a musical genius.
He's also a perfectionist, taking eight years to finish the third album. CBS/Epic Records sued him for breach of contract and dropped Boston from their label after they grew weary of waiting for it.
Putting up high expectations is fine if they are doable. It's not acceptable to postpone completing tasks until the last minute, no matter how talented you are or how famous you're becoming. Even if you're an amazing inventor or a renowned rock star, your employer will not wait for you to get things right.
Deadlines must be kept, and paychecks must be delivered. According to an electrical engineer who attended a management course, he constantly reminds the engineers he oversees that 90 percent is good enough occasionally.
Highly valued employees rarely make fewer mistakes than average employees. In fact, they frequently commit more errors as productivity rises, since the number of mistakes increases along with output. They just know how to get it done correctly.
Mistakes are acceptable if you recognize them and correct them. You must also accept responsibility, avoid blaming others and give no excuses. Don't hide your mistakes from stakeholders.
You must learn from your errors and avoid repeating them. When it's appropriate, you must apologize to be known as a leader!
There's nothing wrong with striving for excellence and aiming to make the best decisions.
But if you're letting perfection be your goal, you may spin your wheels and getting very little done in the long run. The key is finding a balance between quality work and speedy progress that will allow you to accomplish more without as many sacrifices or trade-offs.
It's about knowing when it's time to spend some extra hours on an important project instead of trying to do everything at once.
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