The Mistakes They Made
Surely they will gather, and they have gathered repeatedly, but not by me. Their machinations had suddenly turned around to expose their secret deeds so they will know no peace. A heavy burning brimstone has been placed on their hearts and the inferno will char even their dead conscience. Oh yes, they will pay dearly for their evil deeds as they have been sentenced to their conscience forever. Conceived out of complex, guilt and fear more as an after thought and defensive reaction, they made the mistake that advanced my cause and set the “captive” free. Indeed, every evil intention has ways of setting the records straight – and with this, the wicked will run for cover but with their shadows following them.
When they were about to celebrate their fabrications and poorly scripted blackmail attempt based on false assumptions, little did they know that their own evil will find them out leading to the real definition and redefinition of age long abuse perpetrated on the altar of ignorance and accepted unchallenged. Anyway, abuse is inevitable where values and rights are not known – and repeatedly executed, it becomes a norm. This must stop.
As it stands, it will never be well with anyone who lie from both sides of the mouth for those who live by lies must die by lies – and I only have pity for those who suffer from self-inflicted pains, bondage. Even with best pretence, they still suffer in silence… We live with the consequences of our actions and inactions so if you like continue to call black white or dine with the devil for a mere promise of a better tomorrow by the one whose present is shatteredly in shamble! When the chips are down, group consciousness usually give way for individual responsibility and accountability so while you savour the glamour of connivance, don’t forget that stewardship of service’s personal.
In their buffet of evil to celebrate rascal segregation and divisive tendencies where the invitees were not pre-informed that they would swallow their teeth along with the perfumed sumptuous meals, it’s strange that the chief cook who’s hired to poison the imaginary enemy with tantalizing dishes accidentally eat of his own poison and died at a spot. And while wriggling in pains on his way to early grave, he made very unpalatable confessions – the clip of which would make the world weep while the innocent with conscience could question the rationale for human existence. It’s a shame that he who’s chosen to unite ended up to divide, taking nepotism to high heavens and leaving a tattered house!
Having seen nemesis at work; having witnessed the futility of primitive revenge often from one-sided stories; having realized the waste in trying to pull someone down or destroy what one cannot make or benefit from, the partners in crime took to their heels, leaving the prostituting mother alone and lonely to recite her message of morality which was worse than philosophy of voidance. It’s an exercise in futility. What an amoral act and an audacious display of pathological hypocrisy – accusing others of what one is guilty of! But can any man give what he lacks? Little wonder for the results.
… Hypocritical dispositions are the hallmarks of hypocrites. But the hypocrites who engage into blackmail, writing poorly scripted letters and petitions never realize that some times blackmail can confer freedom and bring about breakthroughs with unsolicited publicity. Afterwards black is integral part of the sparkling white colour.
But now comes the prophecy: in their cassock of evil, as they plot for iniquity with barefaced lies to malign their perceived enemies (real or imaginary) promoting us against them, God shall visit them suddenly and rain curses upon them. The evil they wished other people’s children shall be visited upon their children in million folds. Oh, it’s just a question of time that they will be brought down, humiliated and put to shame. While crying without anyone consoling them, the flame of their machinations will consume them. Yes, “any man or woman that hate or malign you shall come down and disgrace shall envelop them… Because of you, an enemy shall crawl by fire, eat dust and dry up…” As the God of vengeance majestically step out for justice, things will not remain the same again.
What a fate. In going out to gather more sooth even without a soothsayer in preparation for magical black masking balm to remind us that whatever standard you use while in office will be used against you when you leave office, I woke up from slumber and realized it was a day dream. It’s a trance on a very hot afternoon yet it’s harmattan season with everywhere being cloudy and dusty!
Should I see a clinician?