Mistakes International Students Should Avoid While Studying In Germany
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Mistakes International Students Should Avoid While Studying In Germany

Making certain mistakes will deter you from achieving your educational pursuits while studying, especially at an international university. It can range from the minute mistake of not asking questions and staying on your own to negligence in learning the primary language spoken, German.

It is expected that you will fumble; of course, it is your first time in a different city. Notwithstanding, some of these mistakes can be avoided because of the testimonials of others who have gone through it.

In this article, we will go over the common mistakes international students should avoid while studying in Germany.

5 Most Common Mistakes International Students Make And How To Avoid Them While Studying In Germany.

Below is a list of common mistakes students make and how to avoid them.

1. Not Learning German

This is the most serious mistake international students make. As a foreigner probably visiting Germany for the first time, it is not expected of you to be fluent in German; however, you should be able to speak and understand the basics, such as "thank you," "please," "sorry," and greetings such as time of day and "welcome.".

How To Avoid This Mistake

Your willingness to learn is an added advantage, as this will speed up how fast you will grasp the language. For this, you can also enrol for classes on Duolingo or other apps to help you learn the language at your leisure hours. Also, make friends with locals or pay for the services of a private German-language tutor.

2. Misusing Scholarship Opportunities

Numerous scholarship and grant possibilities exist, but most students are hesitant to take advantage of them. The expense of education may be extremely daunting for international students studying abroad, and making the most of scholarship opportunities is one of the most effective methods to help with financial assistance. The most common reason why students miss out on scholarships is inadequate information.

How To Avoid This Mistake

Find out about all of the student scholarships that are offered and how to apply. Furthermore, keep in mind that these awards and scholarships will not always be made public, so you should constantly make an effort to keep an eye out on official websites and scholarship portals.

3. Not Taking Advantage Of Student Organizations And Support Groups

In case you are already studying in Germany, and if you have already made the mistake of numbers one and two, you can redeem yourself with this step. Support groups provide a safe space for great connection, orientation and assistance.

How To Avoid This Mistake

Join student organizations, forums or support groups and be actively involved. You can also receive professional guidance and build a strong network with people who share the same interests as you. This is also another good way to get information on scholarships and grants.

4. Always Staying On Your Own And Not Asking For Help

It shouldn't be hard to ask for help or ask questions; unfortunately, most people find it hard to ask for help and prefer to tackle it alone. Going about one's city is a fantastic approach to exploring it.

How To Avoid This Mistake

Here are a few places you can consider visiting and connecting with people.

·??????? Explore nearby cities, parks, and museums.

·??????? Take a leisurely stroll about your neighbourhood to observe the historical sites and landmarks.

5. Low Academic Performance

Travelling to a foreign nation can be so fascinating that you may lose track of your original motivation for there. Students become enthused because they want to sample all of their cuisine, travel to the liveliest towns, and so on. As a result, they devote little to no time to their studies, which will ultimately result in poor academic achievement.

How You Can Avoid This Mistake

Prioritize all your movements. Make a list of the locations you want to see and plan your visits around your lectures. Study groups are another way to prevent poor academic achievement.


Watch this video below, which will shed more light on the mistakes you should avoid while studying in Germany.



To sum it up, studying in Germany is an exciting experience. However, most students make the mistakes of not learning the language, failing to take advantage of support networks and scholarship opportunities, and finding it difficult to ask questions. For this reason, we have highlighted a number of strategies for you to get the most out of your educational pursuits in Germany. With this video and article, we are certain that you will experience a hitch-free period of study in Germany.


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