Mistake #5: Image issues
When sending a press release, many people question whether or not they should send an image as well. The general consensus among journalists is that they want to spend as little time as possible chasing up and finding the information supplied. Sending an image along with your press release is likely to save time and effort on the part of the journalist, so it’s generally something that’s looked on favourably, as long as your images are the right size and format.
The best types of images are those that can be used directly for publication. One common annoyance for journalists is when they receive press releases with images that are too small to be useful. This means more time and effort for the journalist to follow up and request the right image size. The more time and effort it’s going to take, the less likely it is that your story will get covered.
What size images should you include?
The images you send should be saved as JPEG and have a resolution of at least 300dpi with a maximum of 500KB. This will make them suitable for both print and online use and make it far more likely your press release will get a favourable response and your story will be covered.
Formatting issues
The best way to format your press release is to copy and paste it directly into the body of the email. This means it’s right there for the journalist to see straight away and they can pull out quotes and useful statistics directly from the email. Never send your press release as a PDF file as it’s impossible to lift information directly from it, meaning the journalist has to spend time chasing up information or copying it over into their story.
Getting the formatting right is more important than you might think when it comes to being successful in your PR efforts. If you can avoid annoying little formatting mistakes and other niggling issues you’ll have a much better chance of getting your press release read and make a positive impression.
Brands that can avoid some of the most common annoying habits have a better chance of getting noticed and getting ahead of the competition when it comes to having their story covered and enjoying the many benefits that successful PR can bring in terms of increased visibility and brand awareness.
Jo Macdermott is a well known thought leader when it comes to all things Marketing. Jo is the Founder of Next Marketing, a well established Marketing Agency based in Melbourne. Jo is looking to connect with Marketing Managers, Entrepreneurs (in funded start ups) and Small and Medium Sized Businesses (with a marketing budget). Need some marketing help? With a commercial bent? Get in touch with Jo here