#realmadrid #realmadridcf #uefachampionsleague

1. Introduction

In 2000, FIFA delivered the unique trophy who was the best club of the XXth century, and all the official subscribers to the FIFA world magazine decided with 42.35% of the votes to award Real Madrid CF.

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Real Madrid CF, the best club of the XXth century FIFA trophy.

One of the main reasons why Real Madrid CF achieved such award was due to its extensive list of honors. The Whites are currently the unique team in UEFA, winning 14 times the UEFA Champions League.

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Real Madrid CF museum, the mitic 14 UEFA Champions leagues

The Champions is one of the most demanding cups in the world and with a higher level of performance. In every edition, there are always specific key difficulties to overcome in order to be successful, and the title wannabe to win has to make the effort to determine such difficulties, proposing a very refined operating strategy, counteracting the rivals' tactical strenghts.

In addition, one of the most upcoming exciting semi-finals (due to is expected that the winner will be The Champions winner) will be played between Real Madrid CF and Manchester City FC.

2. Real Madrid CF vs Manchester City FC brief comparisons

At this 2022/23 UEFA Champions League, Manchester City FC is the team with the best overall and average quantitative performance (effectiveness & efficiency) at the matches played during the competition, and Real Madrid CF is having a lower performance but not significant (p>.05), quantified in -1.1%.

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Contenders of the next semi-final.
We can assume that the overall and average quantitative performance between both teams is almost the same.

Thus, having both teams, during this present season in Champions, the same quantitative performance, the key factors to win the semi-final (Leg 1 - May the 9th, Leg 2 - May 16th) will lie in how the teams are going to counteract the rival's most important tactical strengths, on which the game model is based.

3. The Manchester City FC main source of scoring goals

It is well-known for all the football followers, the main goalscorer of Manchester City FC is Haaland, the 9 Sky Blue. This season, Erling Haaland has become the main goalscorer in both the UEFA Champions League (12 goals) and in Premier League (32 goals), accumulating a total of 50 goals in all the competitions played during this present season (Community Shield, FA Cup, League Cup, Premier League, and UEFA Champions League). Some of the Haaland's teammates are following him at a great distance, i.e. Julián álvarez has scored 2 goals in Champions, and considering all the games played this season, the secondary Sky Blues goalscorers are Julian with 15 (S), Riyad with 13 (RW), Foden with 13 (LW - injured), and De Bruyne with 10 (CM).

Therefore, it looks like pretty logical for Real Madrid CF that to pass the semi-final must organize a tactical plan focused on isolating Haaland and also avoiding as much as possible to make him finish in favorable conditions. To achieve such objectives, previously, it is determinant to study what are the tactical sub-principles and position's technical-tactical principles, associated to the specific game situations, through which Haaland scores.

Thus, the question here is clear, HOW REAL MADRID CF will be able STOP HAALAND???.

4. How to stop Haaland?

Next, it is provided a detailed analysis on how Haaland has been scoring during this present season, the analysis is divided in set pieces, offensive transition and offensive organization game situations.

4.1. Set pieces goals (20%)

Haaland has scored 20% of the total goals, during this season, from set pieces, specially from penalty kick (14%), in a lesser way from corner kick (6%), and none from another of set pieces mode.

a. Penalties

From penalties, Haaland, paradoxically, has kicked the penalties just in one way, low ball, or slightly elevated, without reaching medium height; ball stuck to the post and away from the goalkeeper, through a fairly powerful kick. The only variant is that the player alternates the penalty shot on the right side and on the left side. During this season has kicked 8 penalties, scoring 3 on the right side, scoring 4 on the left side (14% of the total goals), and missing 1. Therefore, Haaland is having an effectiveness of 88%.

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Haaland is kicking the penalties only in one way, the unique variable is the side where the penalty is quick.
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Haaland scoring a penalty kick to the left side.
Haaland is starting to miss penalty kicks!, at the last match (Leg 2 semi-final against FC Bayern Munich). A detail that denotes the increasing anxiety of the player in Champions, which would be good news for Real Madrid CF.
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Haaland missing the last penalty kick

b. Corner quick

From corner quick Haaland has scored 3 goals (6% of the total goals), one after a rebound from the rival defense, a second one directly heading, and a third one from short corner.

When a corner kick is played directly to the dangerous zone (penalty or GK areas), one of the most striking tactical Haalands' behavior is that he goes looking for the ball from a back to front movement to finish off the ball with more momentum and power. Due to his body size and power is able to break through opposing defenses with relative ease,

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Haaland going to hit the ball from a back to front movement.

in addition, Haaland is able to take advantage of his body mass winning the position, putting the body, among the rivals' defenders placed at the heading zone.

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Haaland using his body to win the position among the rivals' defenders and heading to the goal.

4.2. Offensive transition goals (12%)

From this moment of the game, Haaland has been able to score the fewest goals (6 goals, or 12% of the total goals), in comparison to set pieces (20%) or the offensive organization (68%) moment of the game.

a. When ball is recovered at Z1 or Build zone

When the ball is recovered at this zone (Haaland has scored 1 goal, 2% of the total goals), Haaland is the offensive reference player, and he is placed expecting a vertical and fast pass. When his teammates are able to perform a fast through pass to him, Haaland has the muscle power to perform a sudden breakaway, leaving behind all the defensive rivals (when he has enough space because the rival's defensive line is ahead), going alone to the goal and scoring such as in this game situation.

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Haaland's sudden break away, exploiting the space at the rivals CB's back.

b. When ball is recovered at Z2 - Progress zone

Most of the time, when the ball is recovered at this zone (Haaland has scored 1 goal, 2% of the total goals), Haaland is given depth to the team, progressing between the rivals (either at the CB's gap, or at the FB-CB gap), waiting for a fast through pass in order to exploit the space at the behind the rivals defenders. In this game situation, Haaland clearly plays again a central role being the offensive reference Sky Blue player.

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Haalands progressing and placed in a defensive gap, waiting for a fast through pass.

When Haaland receives a through pass, in a defensive gap, between the rival's defenders, due to his body size, power and speed, the player is able to transform a game situation of numerical inferiority, in a positional / spatial / qualitative situation of superiority; overcoming both defenders and scoring, such as in this game situation.

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Haaland receiving the ball among 2 defenders, transforming a numerical inferiority in a positional / qualitative / spatial superiority.

c. When ball is recovered at Z3 - Penetrate zone

From this zone (Haaland has scored 2 goal, 4% of the total goals), Haaland demonstrate that he has a great capacity for helping the teammate possessor and disturbing the rivals' defensive action. In this game situation Haaland is crossing with his teammate, taking away his direct mark, and also collaborating to create positional superiority.

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Haaland disturbing the defensive action and collaborating with his teammate to create a positional superiority.

The most dangerous in this kind of situation is the speed of Haaland. So if the last rival's defender/s is/are close to Haaland, the 9 Sky Blue will overcome them easily, winning their backs.

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The 2 Sky Blues players have been able to create a positional superiority situation (2vs0), by disturbing previously the rivals' defensive action, and winning their backs, specially due to the Haalands speed.

d. When ball is recovered at Z4 - Finish zone

At this zone, Haaland has been able to score 2 goals (4% of the total goals), as an effect of the high pressure provided by the Man City (or with Norway National Team). In such game situation the role of Haaland is to threaten the CB but leaving the door open (pass line) to the GK,

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Haaland threaten to the CB, but opening the door (pass back) to the GK.

if the CB pass back to the GK is when Haaland jump to press the GK and closing the pass line to the CB in order to provoke the GK mistake,

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Haaland threaten the GK, in order to induce a mistake.

and expecting to recover the ball finishing ASAP.

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The Man City has provoked the GK mistake, and Haaland due to his body size, power and technical skills is able to recover possession among the CB and the DM rivals, and scoring.

4.3. Offensive organization goals (68%)

During this moment of the game, Haaland has been able to score the main amount of goals (68% of the total goals), therefore, the player is more dangerous when the ball is played during an organized attack, rather than during counterattacks or set pieces.

What are the specific game situations by means Haaland is becoming more dangerous during this moment of the game (offensive organization)?

a. Scoring by finishing balls sent to the second post

At this game situation, is from where Haaland is having the greater scoring activity, during the offensive organization moment (12 goals, 24% of the total goals). This game situation, where Haaland arrive for kicking heading the ball to the second post, has different variations, and the ball is able to come from: 1) a direct cross; 2) an assistance from the first post; 3) an assistance from the first post coming form a middle distance pass from half-space 3/4 zone; 4) a lateral assistance from inside the area; and 5) an assistance from the back inside the area. It is important to note, that the effectiveness in this kind of actions is favoured due to the player's power/speed and body size.

For instance, in this game situation, De Bruyne - possessor - is not under pressure, and also being aware that there is space to be exploited by Haaland at the rival rCB. De Bruyne decided to make an strong through pass to the second post.

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Haaland exploiting the space at the back of the CB at the second post.

Haaland due to his muscle power and acceleration capacity anticipates easily to the rival CB to kick the ball in extremis and to score.

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Haaland scoring the through pass to the second post, by winning the position to the rival CB by his capacity of acceleration.

b. Scoring positioned surrounding the penalty spot

At this game situation, Haaland is also a specialist, producing a high number of goals (9 goals, 18% of the total goals). More specifically, the player is positioned surrounding the penalty spot, trying to offer a pass line to the possessor in a positional superiority, and providing support to the last pass teammate, before to hit the ball to the goal. Such last pass is coming, fundamentally, from 3 different ways, 1) from a teammate placed within the dangerous zone (area) and close to the goal line by means of a diagonal pass back; 2) from a teammate placed within the area by means of a lateral pass; 3) same than 2 but from the edge of the penalty area; and 4) directly from a cross.

At this specific game situation, De Bruyne is dribbling the ball to the goal in order to attract the rivals from defensive line even some that are coming for help from second line, and helping to create enough space for Haaland for finishing. Haaland is surrounding the penalty spot, providing pass line to De Bruyne and trying to keep a positional superiority.

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Haaland providing support to the last pass from a teammate.

c. Scoring from rival's clearances or rebounds within the dangerous zone

This game situation is the third game situation, within the offensive organization moment, where from Haaland is scoring more (7 goals, 14% of the total goals). The player has a great perception to anticipate where will the ball go after a clearance or a rebound, placing himself consciously with positional superiorities.

At this game situation, Haaland is positioned at the opposite side from where his teammate is going to shoot. In addition, Haaland is seeing the possessor, the goal, and their closest rivals.

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Haaland is positioned at one of the potential sides where the possible rebound will go.

Haaland has succeeded, he has taken the rebound in a positional superiority situation, and scores.

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Haaland, after the rebound is placed with positional superiority and advantage to score.

d. Scoring by exploiting spaces laterally and at the back of the defenders of the defensive line

In that kind of situations, Haaland has been able to score 3 goals (6% of the total goals). However, at the other game situations analysed, the spaces exploiting is some times also included.

For instance, one of the game situations that the Sky Blues repeats is when the GK plays long balls, regularly the ball is played to Haaland as the offensive player of reference, who pass back to a player from the second line, trying to win the second ball.

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Haaland controlling the GK long ball.

The midfielder perform a trhough pass laterally to the rival CB, and Haaland exploits such space, accelerating and breaking away to the goal.

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Haaland exploting laterraly the space of the lCB.

Haaland has created a game situation of 1vs0, which will take advantage of it scoring.

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Haaland creating a 1vs0 situation.

e. Scoring through the centre and half-spaces corridors playing positionally to overcome the defensive line

These game situations are related with ball combinations (one-two, double one-two, third-man, third-man run...), in the front of the penalty area, by which Haaland has been able to score 2 goals (4% of the total goals).

For instance, in following game situation, De Bruyne that is placed, in possession, at the right side corridor, has observed that the rival's defensive line is too narrow, therefore he is dribbling the ball inside with the goal to attack the weak rival's corridor. With the De Bruyne diagonal is able to fix and to attract 3 rival players (lFB, lCB, and DM), and Haaland without ball is providing depth and is able to fix 2 rival players (rFB, and rCB). In addition, such game situation has allowed that the Man City lFB was released and acting as a free man.

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Haaland is providing depth to the team, and fixing 2 rivals (rFB and rCB).

At this new game situation, one of the Man City midfielders is moving forward and diagonally dragging the rCB, creating a 1vs1 situation situation for Haaland (however one of the rival midfielders is coming to help the rFB). In addition, the Man City free man is still alone at the left corridor.

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Haaland is in a situation of 1vs1+1 (rival midfielder is coming to help the rFB).

Haaland plays a one-two with the Man City free man, and the two rivals (Midfielder, and full-back) have a big mistake, both are fixed by the Man City lFB, and Haaland is released to receives the on-two alone an score goal.

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Haaland is receiving the one-two alone and scoring.

f. Scoring by shooting from 20 m

Haaland also has the capacity to score from a distance around 20 m, even with direct opposition (1vs1). From this game situation has score 1 goal (2% of the total goals).

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Haaland scoring kicking the ball from midium distance.

5. Conclusions & basic recommendations about how to stop/counteract Haaland during the next UEFA Champions League semi-finals between Real Madrid CF vs FC Manchester City

5.1. Set pieces

  • The whites should avoid to play the ball dangerous inside the penalty area;
  • during a penalty kick, Courtois the should drop to the ground, indistinctly to the left or to the right, but arriving to touch the post;
  • In corner kick, Haaland should be defended with a combined defence (in zone and man-to-man). The White player in charge of the individual defence must avoid the back to front Haaland's movement, so blocking his displacement.

5.2. Offensive transition

  • When the Whites lose possession at the build, progress or penetrate zones, they should apply their regular pressing after lose possession. However, it will be very important to close the possible pass lines to Haaland, in addition, in case of the possessor was in an open situation (no pressure), the last defender (i.e. CB - such as Rüdiger) must protect the space at his back, leaving a prudential space to Haaland, in order to have enough time of reaction in case the ball was delivered directly and fast to Haaland.
  • at the same previous situation, Haaland should be marked by 2 Whites defenders, If Haaland receives the ball directly to him or to the space, the penultimate defender should determine if he is able to cancel the Haaland action and recover possession, or he has to commit a tactical foul (yellow card) in order to avoid a Haaland 1vs1 against the last White defender.
  • When the Sky Blues press high, with more than 3 players, it is important that the Whites playing out the ball from the back with the help of players checking to from second line and creating positional superiorities.
  • At the same game situation than the previous one. The CB should be very careful to pass back the ball to Courtois if Haaland is close to him, in such case the GK should change the ball to the opposite corridors (opposite CB, FB, or players coming from second line). If all the pass lines are under pressure, the alternative is a long pass to the offensive players of reference.

5.3. Offensive organization

  • At this moment of the game, three of the main source of Haaland's goalscoring is 1) to receive balls at the second post, 2) to receive the ball while the player is surrounding the penalty spot in different ways, and 3) from rival's clearances or rebounds within the dangerous zone. To counteract these game situations, it is important, as explained before, that when Haaland was inside the dangerous zone, two players remained with him: the first one defending zone, and the second one (coming from second the line, and in specific cases even from third line) defending man-to-man. However, it is important, specially for air balls, that the defender was very strong and with a great capacity jump, in order to disturb Haaland when he wants to heading.
  • At the same game situation than before, it is also important to isolate Haaland from some important teammates, with good statistics of assists or key passes (i.e. De Bruyne, Grealish, Karim, Julián álvarez, Gundogan, or Foden), by pressing them when they are in possession at the Madrid own half.
  • When the Real Madrid defensive line was ahead, if Haaland is placed in depth threatening the gaps between the defenders, it is very important that Real Madrid respects the defensive tactical principles, so, when the line is kept to play with the off-side rule, and when the defence line must go back protecting the space (in this case when the Man City possessor was not under pressure). In the cases that the Real Madrid was going back protecting the space at their back, it is recommended to leave a wider space among them and Haaland, having more time of reaction.
  • It is also important that Haaland was threaten, and followed by a man-to-man defence, once he arrives to the 3/4 zone (around 25 m). The reason why is because he is able to score by shooting from that distance, even with opposition (1vs1, or even 1vs2).


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