Mission Impossible: Getting America in Tip Top Shape
When it comes to fitness and exercise many health experts agree that diet is an important part of an exercise regimen.?
I had the pleasure of sitting down with fitness guru Kirk Charles, founder, Fit Beyond 40, who launched a plant-based subscription meal and exercise service during the pandemic.
Kirk would call himself a serial entrepreneur. He owned a stenography, financial and mortgage service businesses to name a few.? Fit Beyond Forty llaunched after a friend suggested that he use his personal training experience to start a health and wellness business, which to his surprise stuck.? Launching during the pandemic proved to be an opportune time given that everyone was home and reflecting on personal values and goals.
Listen to Kirk Charle's Interview and how the 8 D’s propel him every day...Dream, Desire, Decision Making, Devotion, Determination, Discipline, Daring and Deliverance!
To connect with Kirk Charles, email at [email protected].