The Mission of Creation
Long form about Aech, now launching on
Through a combination of good timing, hard work and luck, I've been fortunate enough to have a couple of startup successes including SmartThings, SMBLive and Mural Consulting.
Given that success, one of my main missions is to both create and help others to create, specifically with respect to new businesses. I believe business creation (jobs and livelihoods, new technologies, innovation) is one of the largest forces for good on the planet.
Some of that mission takes the form of just sitting and brainstorming new ideas, concepts and business models with the many partners and colleagues I've had over the years. Perhaps this is over a gin. Perhaps it's over a hike.
Some of that mission takes the form of angel investing in companies and teams I believe in, such as Naked Labs.
And where possible and valuable, I try and play a more direct role in mentoring. I've been working with Brett Lindenberg for the past few months helping him through (as we like to joke), the 'business side' of starting his own company.....Aech. From ideation to incorporation, I've watched his act of creation from the beginning. I've watched the excitement, loneliness, exultation and now outright fear (on launch day) of the founder.
Having lived that life in the trenches, it's an interesting perspective to observe it from a different view. For those of you who have read my other longer-form articles, I'm planning on creating an article capturing my reflections and any lessons I think worth sharing.
But for now, I encourage you all to support the creative process. Go to, check it out, share and up vote as you see fit, and of course please provide any feedback (constructive or otherwise) in comments here and I'll be sure to pass them along.