Missing the touch of your clients?
Jo Permaul
Director -Wellness Professionals at Work | Health and Life Coach, teacher, facilitator in Wellness, life and resilience coaching | Homeopath
What can therapists who are touch-based do right now whilst in lockdown?
My fellow colleagues out there are unable to work right now. Social distancing has meant a temporary halt to those beautiful therapies like reflexology, acupuncture, massage and hands on healing.
The two metre distance imposed on us until the 30th of Vague seems to just hang over therapists like a noose around the neck. The frustration is immense and many see the need for healing others as being so pertinent right now. However there are actions you can do right now to really start getting yourself back into the game.
· Review all your systems that you have in place to ensure everything is up to speed for the big return. Equipment all intact, products available, PPE ordered.
· Get yourself out there in the virtual world. Blog, write, do videos, contact old customers. Remind them you are alive and missing them so very much!
· Prioritise your own self-care so that you are on top form for the big return.
· If you have any other income streams can you invest time in those to use as leverage for clients in form of thank you/loyalty gifts?
· Think about who you would like to collaborate with to generate leads for future work.
You will be returning to work and to your therapy, you just need to stay focused, positive and strong. Why not join me on Monday 18th May at midday to review your own customer’s journey with you as your first empowered step. Register here.