Missing the Plot – Focus on Broad Education, not Technology to Address AI Impacts
New technology always seems to capture people’s imagination.?New technology also inevitably leads to passionate debates about whether it is a “blessing or a curse.”?A passionate debate is undoubtedly happening in the case of generative AI.
AI proponents herald the benefits of AI, including its ability to analyze large data sets
However, this debate misses the plot by fixating on the wrong issue. ?Like other new or “disruptive” technologies, AI is a powerful tool that can be used or misused depending on the user. ?Moreover, like personal computers, mobile phones, or supersonic air travel, advances in AI technology will continue to advance despite the critics. ?Consequently, the real issue is the necessity of human interaction. ?
Without people, there are no creators or users of this new technology.?Moreover, people, not machines, will ultimately determine AI’s limits, benefits, and boundaries.?However, to do so, people, especially students, need strong research and writing tools and critical thinking skills
As an educator, lawyer, and industry consultant, I believe a reinvigorated education system
Although it may sound “old-fashioned” and out-of-touch with modernity, our country’s history provides an instructive lesson. ?For the most part, America still holds men like Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson in some measure of esteem.?These men had one thing in common.?They were well and broadly educated – Franklin was a scientist/inventor; Adams, a lawyer; and Jefferson, among other things, a botanist. ?But beyond their expertise, they were well-read on numerous topics, including political theory, mathematics, philosophy, ethics, and literature.?Applying that broad education, they met the challenge of developing a new form of government outlined by enduring documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Harnessing the potential of AI for society’s benefit presents a similar challenge. ?Like the origin of America itself, there is no precise model to draw upon.?The essential interface between AI and humanity and its implications are beyond the scope of current information technology education, which focuses more on discrete topics like machine learning or coding. ?Thus, harnessing AI’s potential