The Missing Key to Empower Your Wealth
Kathryn Eriksen
Women's Wealth Coach/Financial Services. Aligned mindset + inspired action = Empowered Way. Best-selling author, coach, and speaker.
Hello Beautiful-
Have you ever wondered why your efforts, determination, and actions haven’t created the lasting wealth that you desire?
Have you ever thought to yourself, “If only I worked harder…” or “I guess it wasn’t meant to be.”
You may have fallen into the trap of only using your logical, rational mind to reach your goals. It will only take you so far before you hit a dead end.
You’ve missed a key resource that is available 24/7 and waiting for you to ask for guidance.
A quote from Albert Einstein identifies the missing resource:
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
The intuitive mind is that place in your body (many times in your gut) that bypasses the logical, reasoning mind. You sense or know something without knowing why. You just “know.”
The feeling of the intuitive mind is like being bathed in moonlight. It’s soft, transparent, and full of wonder. In contrast, sunlight is active, vibrant, and energizing- kind of like the personal mind.
Many people don’t realize that both minds–the logical, analytical, personal mind, and the intuitive, knowing mind- are necessary to create lasting wealth. That’s because we have been trained in cause-effect. Our actions (cause) create an effect (end result).
Your Personal Mind is Only Half of the Equation
When you create using your personal, analytical mind, there is a tendency to only trust in your own efforts. You are the cause, and the effect results from your actions. There is no room for an intuitive mind to guide you.
You have no room for miracles because you are concentrating on achieving the summit. Your satisfaction is future oriented, because only after achieving the summit will you be.
Forcing outcomes and delaying joy are hallmarks of creating from your personal mind.
When the result isn’t what you expected, the analysis begins, followed by judgment of yourself and others. It isn’t a pretty picture when you have focused on the goal, taken all the steps your rational mind directed, and the result is a “disaster.”
When your value as a person is tied to your outcome, you have dug a hole that imprisons you. The more you try to dig yourself out, the deeper you sink and the farther you move away from the truth of who you are.
You are a spiritual being living as a human.
The disaster is just another opportunity to learn about the energy you ignored.
Your Intuitive Mind is the Missing Ingredient
As a spiritual being, your intuition, inspiration, and inner wisdom are always available. You were born with the natural ability to move through the world leaning on your intuitive mind for guidance.
Unless your personal mind takes charge and insists that it knows the right way.
Your intuitive mind will never argue or fight the personal mind. Instead, it waits for opportunities to communicate with you. If you never sit still long enough to hear these thoughts, you have lost touch with the most valuable gift of living as a human.
Years ago, I fell into the hole of only creating with my rational mind. No matter how much I achieved, no matter how many possessions I accumulated, something was always missing. A nagging sense of incompletion was always present in the back of my mind.
I sat with the feeling and meditated on what it was trying to tell me. As I allowed this part of me to speak, my entire life shifted from doing to being.
Being first means listening to the intuitive mind, connecting with that flow of creative energy, and only then, taking action. Being is the key to creating Empowered Wealth.
If you are struggling in your life, if you have tried and believed you have failed, it may be time for another approach.
Ask your intuitive mind to step in and guide you. Listen for cues during the day and especially in your body. You step into your intuitive mind as you recognize your power as a creative being.
Shift the energy source from the rational, personal mind to the intuitive, sacred, intuitive mind and watch your life unfold as Empowered Wealth becomes your experience.
To your prosperity,
P.S. If you would like to listen to the podcast that teaches more about the intuitive mind, please join my podcast newsletter called Empowered Way.