Missing half a bit, changes results
Are you working hard but not getting the results you want ? Open your mind to the fact maybe you are just missing half a bit !
Everything is a strategy from brushing your teeth to selling your product. What part of your strategy is working ?
Apply the T.O.T.E Model
Let look at brushing your teeth. When do you know that you need to brush your teeth? It maybe when you get out of bed, when you feel your teeth are fury or when you have bad breath. This is the test that you begin your strategy with. Next step in the operation. You walk into the bathroom and you take your tooth brush out of the cabinet. You put tooth paste on the brush. You run the tap and you put the tooth brush under the water. You are getting the idea that operate is the doing part right up to putting the tooth brush back in the cabinet. How do you test you teeth are clean ? This might be by running your tongue over your teeth, it may be looking at your teeth in the mirror, whichever you do you test that they are clean. If they are clean you exit if they are not you go back to operate. Re brush your teeth, use mouth wash or similar and then test again. When they are clean you exit.
In a sales or business transaction the same model needs to be applied for it to be successful. Test your product, operate it or demonstration, test again and exit.
If you are a trainer and you write programs and you run this strategy without exiting you will have lots of programs with out selling them and therefore no money coming in.
If you are a sales person and you are selling your product and you do not ever ask for the business and close the deal (therefore you never exit) you will not be a sales person for long as you will make limited sales.
If you spend time producing and preparing marketing for your product but you do not exit the strategy by showing potential clients your product it will not matter how good your product is no one will no about it to buy it.
I see many businesses that miss one little bit in the process....which changes results !