Missing the flight and missing the point
Doing a spectacular job and not delivering it on time is as good as not doing the work at all.
Expending a lot of energy and losing steam when it matters is also pointless.
Pack and miss the flight and you needn't have wasted all the time packing.
Let's say you are scheduled for a surgery. You're a bit nervous but mentally prepared. A few hours before surgery, the surgeon's assistant walks in and says "he just called and told me that he isn't in the mood to do a surgery today. We're postponing it to next week."
A part of you maybe relieved by for the most part, you will be livid. This is a surgery, how dare someone casually postpone it because they aren't in the mood?
We all wish life were an endless series of Sundays where we aren't bound by deadlines, finality and a cut-off.
Without the end in mind, you may as well not begin at all.