The Missing ‘F-Word’ In Your Business…
Russell Ruffino
Founder & CEO of Clients on Demand - Leading Coaches and Experts into Income, Freedom, and Impact with High-Ticket Workshops - Follow for Leadership & Client-Attraction Tips
So many factors go into a successful high-ticket business.
You need the right mindset.
You need a great offer.
You have to deliver outstanding results, and care for each & every client.
Your marketing needs to be on-point.
Plus, you gotta keep a close eye on your finances, your data, and your team.?
I’m sure you get the picture. But one thing that isn’t considered nearly enough is the F-word …
Too Many Coaches Are Miserable
Think back before you started your coaching business.
Whether you were working a 9-to-5, had another business of some kind, or whether you got into coaching straight out of school, I know you got into coaching because you had a sincere desire to help people.?
Coaching isn’t like being a doctor or a lawyer, where family pressure is often the reason for getting into the profession. And it’s not some dead-end job you happen to fall into.
You started this because you were passionate about it, wanted to be your own boss, and wanted to work with cool people. AKA: You wanted to have fun.
The trouble is the more we run our coaching biz, the more it becomes routine (ie, BORING!).
It’s like buying an amazing car. The first time you drive it, the feeling is out of this world. You take in everything -- The smell, the wheel in your hands, the force as you push the gas …
Yet over time, you get used to all those feelings, and the fun evaporates to the point where it’s your ‘new normal.’
And it’s the same with coaching.
Your first day working with people and not having to answer to a boss is indescribable.?
But over time, monotony creeps in.?
How You Do One Thing Is How You Do Everything
If you’re not having fun in your business, and if you’re not excited, that carries over into every other aspect of your coaching.
It won’t be a conscious thing, but subconsciously, you won’t show up with the same energy.
Clients won’t get the same vibe from you. Prospects won’t engage with you as well on sales calls. And worst of all, this can seep into your home life, too.
When you have revenue targets you need to hit, it’s easy to let the fun slide. But that can have catastrophic effects on your business.
Which begs the question -
How Do We Get the Fun Back?
In one word: Gratitude.
I practice gratitude every single morning. It’s only 5 minutes or so, but I run through everything I’m grateful for right now, and everything I’m grateful for coming my way.?
Outside of that, I strongly recommend thinking back to your pre-coaching days, and asking yourself -
“If the me of 2, 5, 10 (or however many) years ago, could see where I am now, would they be happy?”
I can almost guarantee you, the answer would be yes. So hold on to that.
And finally, you gotta make time for fun.
So book some time for family fun or a night with the guys. Have a drinks party (in-person or virtual) with your team. Heck, even go on a solo date for a day -- Grab lunch with yourself, then go to a movie on your own.
Put the fun back into your business & your life a little at a time.