The Missing Chapters
Preface till Chapter 1
- Preface
Book1 of the Wisdom of the Ages Series By Lanoo Kai
Mentally this race, which is called the fifth root race, is still in the dark ages or medieval times when it comes to religion.
People thought the earth to be flat and the center of the universe. People today think that their earthly religion is the one and only center of study and veneration or worship.
That their doctrine is the centre of all when really it’s just a tributary.
Many different rivers, lakes, and streams exist before coming to the great sea of love which is the centre.
The race is still trapped within animal mind and ego which brings up another symbol of the bible, the beast of the apocalypse that deceives whole nations.
Nations of brothers are out there killing each other because they believe that the infidel is the nonbeliever that does not believe in the name of their god or does not worship the god in the exact same manner.
But the real infidel lies within their own bestial psychology when they forget that god which is love and life is in their brother as well. That bestial psychology is in itself, ‘the infidel’ that needs to die.
One cannot truly respect their own god and not respect their brother of life when the spirit of god has said in more or less words, “I am the law of life which is love. Love me to know me and my ways but love others as you love me for I exist in them as life as well.”
Organized fanatics use the umbrella of authentic religion to commit crimes against humanity.
But if people are not practicing the pure and holistic humanitarian doctrine of that religion then they cannot rightfully call themselves a legitimate Christian or a legitimate Muslim, a legitimate Jew, a Sikh, a Buddhist, a Taoist, Hindu etc.
All brothers of divine faith no matter the name of the religion are brothers striving for conscious love to be known by people.
Religion comes from the Latin word, ‘religare’ which means- to reconnect.
Reconnect what? Well for example when the human consciousness is sent down
into the human kingdom and grows into a child and then a bigger person, the awareness or ‘soul’
needs to reconnect with its source which is its own spirit, to know and manifest the virtues of that spirit.
The human consciousness has free will.
If it does not reconnect then it goes without divine experiences of Being whole and what it is, a spark of the spirit, a spark of the Being.
Each spirit has a unique individual divine will and purpose.
So for the soul that does not succeed in its development, it’s like coming to a planet in a sleepfull state, not discovering that will, and then in the end when the physical body dies, leaving the earth none the wiser to its mission.
The spirit is in need of the human essence to humanize and the human essence needs the spirit to spiritualize.
If the reconnection does not happen then there is no authentication of the religion or re-union. Things can remain as a belief of some sort.
An aim of the Missing Chapters is to divulge the pure untainted doctrine, the founding principles of all religion.
This can provide at least some substance to help people to direct their own lives, to understand reunification and behold the wisdom that comes with self knowledge.
A true devotee to the divinity is just that, a devotee to the divinity and that makes them all brothers of the divine. It matters not from which religion they have sprung.
It matters not the paths one has walked whether righteous or unrighteous.
What matters is the path that one walks in the here and now.
What they choose in the present... That will take them where they will go.
The word, ‘initiate’ means someone who is being initiated into higher states of awareness of their self as a Being spiritually.
This includes raising the level and purification of their mind, heart, emotions, sexuality and physical state.
The word, ‘bible’ simply means a collection of books.
Bibles are books written by initiates for other initiates.
To guide them into the understanding and practicing of the hidden Christic or ’spiritual’ mysteries where simple belief is left far behind and replaced with direct experiences of the higher dimensions and the inherent divine powers that exist in all human beings.
Some popular bibles include the Mayan bible called the Popul Vu, The Hindu BhagavadGita, the Koran, and the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
True religions of the world can be viewed as cuts on a jewel.
Each cut reflects the inner light of the jewel differently.
Each different religion is engrossed in the study and the perfection of a different facet of the jewel that this gem may shine and reflect the universal love and light that much more.
The universe is a big place and that is not something to be forgotten.
Hence in respect to that, the need to expand one’s mind on how and why it functions.
The true or adept Buddhists in their meditation work on understanding and polishing the mind and its abilities to be silent, serene, receptive so as to be an effective instrument to their Being.
The true or adept Muslim works on humbly being a servant to God which they call Allah.
The true or adept Christian works on becoming one with the fire and light of god which is a power, a universal force to them called ‘Christ’’.
The true or adept Hindu practices the yoga or ‘union’ of devotion
An authentic spiritual master has the power to choose which family they will be born into, which country, native language etc
Let us take a look at symbolism, cabala and alchemy which is the code by which the Christian bible and many other sacred books were built.
They were written in this code to guard and preserve knowledge from those who would corrupt it.
The strategy for the survival of ancient knowledge and text
of any culture or language is that if people don’t understand what is written they are
far less likely to erase or alter it.
Tenebrous ones are devious people or entities intent on using and abusing humanity.
For the longest of time they have attempted to stamp out and eliminate the sacred word, so that it could never be accessed by the populace.
This to deny humanity the divine heritage of the treasury of light in the very sacred blood that runs through all people’s veins.
For one case in point, if the anti-god, antichristian, or anti-divine mentalities of some people who have stood in power knew about several hidden mysteries that exist in the book of revelations, that biblical text would not have survived unto this day.
We see examples of elimination of text and religious artifacts in this day and age of 2016.
Many theories surround bibles but if a person knows the code, they know the books.
Those who know the books though are few and far between.
The great bonfire from which all life springs, the King who rules all other kings and all those beneath them, spoke through the lips of his most high messenger, “Out of a thousand that seek me, only one follows me. Out of a thousand that follow me only one finds me. Out of a thousand that find me only one is mine.”
The alchemical mysteries are mysteries that the common citizen should know but has been deprived due to the books containing the information being burned to cinders or ripped to shreds.
But out of the smoldering ashes arise, - The Missing Chapters.
Cabala: A word that means:
Rune: A symbol like a cross, star, or circle, that attracts forces of the elements of earth air, water, or fire, cosmic energies and or spiritual power to it because of its form or design.
The Hebrew language because of its runic and cabalistic qualities, along with certain Hebrew highly evolved initiates at that time, was chosen for the writing of the Christian bible.
There are people today who intellectually consider that because they have Jewish blood, religion or culture, they are of the chosen ones.
However what a Jew is, (in accordance to the hidden code) is an ‘initiate’ who is acquiring elevating initiations into divine consciousness by whatever religion they may happen to be studying.
Whatever bloodline or race they might be is of zero importance.
Hence the Buddha (being an initiate) was a Jew even though he studied Buddhism.
Similarly the Hindu Krishna, an initiate of divine consciousness, was another Jew even though he never spoke Hebrew and so on and so on.
“I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not.” (Revelation 2:9)
This quote refers to people of any race or color proclaiming to be enlighten initiates or illuminated by the Great Spirit but are not enlightened.
The Arabic Word ‘Muslim’ means ‘servant’.
A real servant is an initiate and likewise a real initiate is a servant.
An initiate ascends in conscious love by being a servant to humanity and god.
One should take into consideration emphasis is being put here on the meaning of the word, not the language using it.
A resurrected body for one that attains complete self mastery means that that one does not have to go through the cycle of birth karma, death, rebirth etc.
A resurrected master often makes a vow of service to humanity to assist them for example, ‘Until the very last tear of sorrow of any sentient being has dried.”
Such is the extent of their undying devotion and love.
Were Krishna, Christian prophets, and legit founders of other religions, Buddhas?
The word Buddha (from the ancient Sanskrit language) simply means one with enlightened mind.
It’s quite apparent they each had an enlightened or ‘Buddha’ mind.
One does not have to belong to any particular religion to be religious.
To be religious is to be revolutionary but in a righteous conscious way in harmony with the way of the spirit which law is far from exclusively earthly, it is universal.
Problems that face religions of this day is that they are studied from an intellectual standpoint without observing the common divine essence which needs to be personally realized …and flows through them all.
Religious teachings of divine essence are often misinterpreted by the common humanoid.
Why say humanoid? Because this humanity is not a legit humanity in the sense of the word.
It is a race of intellectual or sensual animals with human form but have not acquired human consciousness or the prophetic powers that go along with that human consciousness.
The divinity itself in its various forms will accept all no matter what a person has done in the past.
It will teach its true ways of sacredness provided that person is serious about change.
The consciousness of the initiate will be tested through many trials by the divinity itself, to prove the profundity of that person’s intent, will and their heart.
If the person passes the tests they enter into a higher stage of awareness.
If not then they don’t enter into the higher stage of direct knowledge.
Trying to know the mysteries of the spirit without knowing about the sexual mysteries is like trying to cook without heat.
Systematically the light and creative atoms derived from the food and drink that is consumed, feeds the various organs and glands, muscles etc.
Albeit the natural substantial creative matter, the semen, that goes to the sexual center in the norm does not get elaborated higher as it could.
In these days many spiritual schools teach about the sexual energy and unfortunately are using passionate elements of a doctrine that in time will cause the aspirant a very gloomy path to tread.
One should be aware of these false practices that they can be avoided.
The ego has a beginning and has an end.
In accordance to the definition here in this book, Ego = “An illusory parasitical and false representation.”
The sexual energy must not cater to the ego.
The spirit of the individual is beyond time. It is the true Being.
It is imperative that the sexual energy is elaborated in harmony with the will of one’s spirit.
The semen is like a super elastic mercurial and powerful liquid that if heated right can become gaseous and nurture the spinal column, recharge the brain and invigorate the heart centre.
From there the organs and glands can be vitalized by the creative energy in motion replacing old or dead cells with new ones.
The result is not only a youthful appearance but a youthful state of mind and health.
The method of sexually sustaining or even rejuvenating one’s youth in complete harmony with the way of the spirit is taught here in the Missing Chapters.
In this book the reader may come to know…
What is an angel?
What is a devil?
An angel has free will.
If an angel sins, gets its wings clipped and falls from the heights of heaven into infernos below, can it get its wings back and ascend again to an angelic state? If so how?
Is god a being that lives in all?
Is god a father, mother, sister, brother, one’s pet or all of the above?
If so how does one differentiate spiritually the difference of god’s manifestations to the earth?
A question arises: If the son of man chose only twelve people on the world as direct disciples did he choose wrong with Judas? Why was there a betrayal?
Why was Judas part of the group of twelve in the first place and what was his psychology and mission?
The question is not whether it is right or wrong, the question is why is there not any clear material on direct discourse or discussion between him and his master?
Is this a mystery better swept under the rug, not to be discovered?
It would appear that many Christian secrets have remained in the shadows for the past two thousand years.
For that sake and to comprehend relevant dynamics, a section of never publicly published list of events clarifying some interactions between the disciple Judas Iscariot and Jesus, will be included.
Many mysteries abound.
What are the mysteries of life?
The mysteries of dreams.
The mysteries of death.
The mysteries of love and sex.
The mysteries of who one is.
What was Jesus’s real mission?
What’s the difference between Jesus Christ or God?
What is the difference between soul and spirit?
All these and more will be answered in The Missing Chapters of the Ancient Code.
- Introduction
The Missing Chapters of the Ancient Code
Legend Fin = end of quote. Or end of expression or idea.
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” Reverend, Martin Luther King
The human being has the capacity to take a little spark and transform it into a flame. L.K Lanoo Kai
Note about Lanoo
The word Lanoo itself means ‘student’ in Sanskrit. Hence Lanoo would ask that the works of the
masters not be confused with or judged by the analysis written here by the student.
Note from Lanoo
The veil between the worlds is being uplifted for all, yet in reality the prophets have declared out of the billions that can comprehend the Word, only a small fraction will comprehend its importance, take advantage and utilize it for the awakening of the soul. Hence against all odds it is the author’s humble hope that this book can somehow change that catastrophic course. Change it with a fresh and strong revolutionary wave. An insurgence of souls receiving certain keys to unlock the gates of the superior dimensions, and thereby through steadfast diligent practice become part of the Army of bodhisattvas, flourishing the forces of love, until the last tear of sorrow has dried in all sentient Beings!
The way of the many is that which requires no discipline, no study, no action against
that which could literally exclude them from the temple of life.
The path of the many is the one that does not require diligent attention and self-giving.
The path of the few does have a requirement, diligent attention and self-giving.
The path of the many is a slothful and a self-considerate way.
Here the teachings of the few are divulged.
Here the teachings of the many are made transparent.
If a temple is constructed of steel or stone, can it not be constructed of soul, living flesh and bone?
The way of the few is the one who cares for their body, constructs it into a temple of their lord.
The legs are as two strong pillars upon which the whole edifice of the temple rests.
The head is the diamond crown and the eyes are likened unto windows that let in the light.
The mouth speaks the golden verb as it was in the dawn of the first
The heart is the center altar. The fire is the blood that courses throughout it.
It should be initially stated here and will be reiterated in other chapters that what is being provided in this text no one is asking for it to be believed.
People are free to believe that which they will.
The information is being presented so one can investigate the knowledge in accordance to the value they may find in it.
In Carlos Castaneda’s book: Tales of Power, Don Juan, a descendent of the ancient
Toltec yaqui nation, a man of power and knowledge explains that a warrior believes without believing
for to simply believe would be to accept something without an integral analysis.
The warrior also disbelieves without disbelieving because to simply disbelieve one might discard knowledge of extreme value.
Hence the warrior actually balances himself between belief and disbelief and transcends them.
He accepts all things at their face value and investigates them by turning off the internal dialogue of his mind.
The trait of the spiritual warrior is to be impeccable with the various aspects of his Being and the five cylinders of his body.
Five cylinders.
To be a warrior he has to eliminate self pity, fear and self importance.
When one realizes that certain imbalances exist in their interior the path of the awakening warrior is a means to balance that inequilibrium.
Seers state, “Only when the internal dialogue is not chatting explaining this or that
(but knowing nothing) is true seeing possible.”
The warrior seeing through the superlative faculties of his Being thereby experiences for
himself in depth the truth of the matter in question. He knows.”
Similar to those who have prophesized in the past, to truly see into the ultra,
angelic, or higher dimensions is a capacity that exists in any person.
Unfortunately in the norm due to atrophied glands, plexus, or energy centers, objective or superlative seeing has become quite rare, albeit only dormant.
These capacities however can be revived with practices, some of which will be revealed further in the text.
The warrior utilizes self observation which is a fixed attention moment to moment on one’s Innermost Being, one’s spirit or Real Self which is what it Is, a unique expression of the manifesting divine.
He trains and hones his awareness to avoid self indulgence and self pity which are subjective and incorrect transformations of impressions.
In this manner emotional, mental, and vital spiritual energy is used wisely and not squandered.
This book looks at life in a practical experiential manner and contains both minor and major mysteries.
Whatever the case may be this information contained here may be useful to know what is going on in various circles and happening in the world.
Minor mysteries are what any individual person can know, and practice to raise the quality of their level of consciously being.
Major mysteries are related to the mysteries of sex which are very important.
Because a person can succeed in kind, generous, even altruistic actions towards
humanity or the world yet not know how to utilize the most creative force that they have available.
$This simply because they have never been taught about what is the purpose of sexual energy and how to responsibly master their own.
Life can be mastered which is done by the few.
Or its virtuous qualities can be ignored which is done by the many.
One has to be careful with sex for there exists many teachers of sex that think
they are divinely inspired yet cater teachings towards the ego making aspirants
more animalistic and mechanical in their interior level rather than more conscious and human.
It’s apparently obvious that sex can be a human form of making or actualizing love and its care.
Sex when animalistic can bring ruin to people.
This book draws the line and separates the separates the smoke from the flames, the wheat from the chaff, the human from the infrahuman.
There was a school of philosophy that introduced a golden rule.
The rule was very simple yet profound.
It stated that to experience life it is necessary to have an open mind, an open heart and a willingness to accept change.
Observing that rule, it can be said that without being conscious of those three qualities,
one can surely trap their self in a repetitive mechanical existence.
In a livelihood that may not grasp the essentials of living as a sentient human being.
Knowledge is not absolute.
Knowledge is a key to ascertain higher levels of intelligence in accordance to the way situations present themselves.
Knowledge is a stepping stone to intelligence, intelligence is a stepping stone to wisdom.
Those who get caught up in knowledge that they receive through the intellect, do not experience intelligence.
Those who do not put intelligence into activity do not attain wisdom.
To know love is a great work. The heart is awake in the one that truly loves.
It can be said that a battle exists between love and hatred, wisdom and ignorance,
between willpower and desire, true freedom and its opposite, slavery.
WHAT LOVE IS part 1 x Lanoo
Like a sun clad in its armor of light that rides the whirlwinds of darkness across the firmament of midnight skies Love Is
Love is always conscious never unconscious for such a powerful force can only be expressed through awakened consciousness
It is never Mechanical for it is beyond unconscious action.
Love is always unconditional
In love, desire dies and gives way to the scintillating flames of ecstasy that engulfs the entire Being
True love is eternal, everlasting
One cannot Love and then come a day when that ceases to exist for the impressions of love are buried within the depth of their immortal spirit
A true gift can be given only with no attachments
Love is given selflessly without any expectation of reward for no conditions can stop it from flourishing in a heart that feels it
Limited love asks for the possession of the beloved, but unlimited love asks only for itself
Love conquers all
Real love can cure all. . .
To be continued…for rest of the chapter and the next chapter contact us [email protected]
Universal Peace
Lanoo Kai
President Meryl Moss Media Group--Publicity, Marketing and Social Media / Publisher and CEO Meridian Editions
1 个月Missingchapters, thanks for sharing! How are you doing?
6 年I wish I had the time to read this - so I’ll share it to read later - or maybe not! Just knowing it’s around is somehow comforting?
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6 年Thank you