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Agrimprove | Royal Agrifirm Group
Agrimprove is Royal Agrifirm Group’s functional feed ingredients brand
Boosting calf immunity through MCFA in mother’s diet
Providing calves good quality colostrum is important to give them a head start in life. Since there is limited transfer of immunoglobulins (Ig) during gestation, the delivery of the most dominant form IgG through colostrum from the cow to the calf is essential in the first day of life. At Agrimprove, we believe that the dry period is key and offers an interesting window to boost calf immunity.
Critical points in the nutrition of laying hens
Modern laying hens have a high genetic potential to produce eggs. If they receive adequate environmental conditions, health, and nutrition, they can maintain over 90% of the laying rate for a long period of the productive cycle. In the last decade, we have seen how genetic progress has generated laying hens with an extraordinary productive persistence, accompanied by a slight decrease in body weight, feed intake, and egg size, reaching 50% production earlier than ten years ago.
Competitive exclusion of E. coli improves intestinal health
Managing intestinal health of newly weaned piglets remains a challenge; advances in our understanding of the problem are offset by ever tightening regulations. Competitive exclusion is one tool which is not known to affect resistance genes in bacteria but which can provide interesting benefits in practice.
A toxin is…
a substance synthesized by a plant, an animal, or a microorganism and is harmful to another organism. In agriculture, toxins are present in many forms.Understanding toxins—where they occur, favorable environments, signs & symptoms, and feed allowances—is the first step in managing these disastrous compounds.