- The CMMC-AB is continuing to move forward despite the DoD lead, Katie Arrington, is currently on administrative leave.
- It's official: There are now three certified Certified Third Party Assessor Organizations (C3PAOs).
- The CMMC-AB expects the DoD to publish CMMC requirements “soon”. Compliance experts have read the NIST Special Publications and the CMMC-AB has published their interpretation of the CMMC requirements. Is is now up to the DoD to dictate what the final requirements will be.
- The CMMC-AB acknowledges that they are aware of the challenges small businesses (SMBs) will have with CMMC (in other words: time, expertise, and money).
- The CMMC-AB issued a warning that there are unapproved courses out there claiming they can teach the assessor course. That is absolutely false. The CMMC-AB is the only organization that can license, certify and manage the CMMC ecosystem. As of right now, they have not published guidelines on how to conduct those trainings.