The misuse of facts out of context.
I cannot abide by the misuse of facts, especially historical facts. This one really dug into my inner nerd sense of injustice.
The Kurds didn’t help the US fighting on the beaches of Normandy, fact, 100% true, but there were ten wholly Kurdish Companies fighting for the allies at the time of Normandy.
So the Kurds did help the allies win WW2 . While yes, Normandy was a key point in world war two and one that has wide popular acknowledgement, were as the data about the role of European colonial troops, in this case the role of ethnic Kurds has little popular acknowledgement and is often associated with inconvenient facts and feelings especially for Europeans.
Deliberately miss using a single oblique observation from a whole context is unethical, shameless and poor leadership.
A look at Wikipedia and into the brains of post colonial children like me brimming with left over weird facts about former Empires tells us:
By 1942, the British Iraq Levies consisted of a Headquarters, a Depot, Specialist Assyrian companies, 40 service companies and the 1st Parachute Company that was mostly ethnic Assyrian but at least 25% Kurds.
By 1943 the Iraq Levies strength was: 166 British officers controlling 44 companies; 22 Assyrian, five Mixed Assyrian/Yizidi, ten Kurdish, four Marsh Arabs, and three Baluchi.
Eleven Assyrian companies served in Palestine and another four served in Cyprus.
The Parachute Company was attached to the Royal Marine Commando and saw action in Albania, Italy and Greece.
In 1943/1944 the Iraq Levies were renamed the Royal Air Force Levies.
The formation of the Iraq Levies Disciplinary Code was based largely on the Indian Army Act.
So no the Kurds did not help the US at Normandy but neither did the Australian or New Zealand Armies, but it is unlikely a US President would use that as a fact to justify abandoning an alliance with them.
Facts can be made subjective and miss used but luckily straight up data in context tells its own story if it can get any oxygen.