Misplaced Fears - Quality of Life Improved for Seniors in Assited Living instead of staying home!
It's Better When You Get the Care You Need

Misplaced Fears - Quality of Life Improved for Seniors in Assited Living instead of staying home!

We've been saying it based on our clients' feedback, and now there is more data to back it up. Quality of life can improve when you make the decision to get the care you need instead of staying at home. A recently published article in Senior Housing news Most Seniors View Assisted Living Negatively--Until Moving In found the following based on survey's they completed.


..."once a senior moved into assisted living, 73% of families found that the senior’s quality of life got better or much better. Specifically, 64% of survey respondents said the senior’s social well-being improved, 73% said the senior’s nutrition improved, 47% said the senior’s emotional well-being improved and 44% said the senior’s physical health improved. Plus, after a senior moves into assisted living, they are five times more likely to see their overall quality of life improve than get worse."


I've seen this first hand with our clients after moving their loved one to an assisted living residential care home we recommended. Quality nutrition, improved personal hygiene, ensuring medications are taken as prescribed, and having people you can relate to and talk with are key reasons I believe our clients have had similar results in many cases.

With over 1,500 options in the Phoenix Metropolitan and surrounding areas to choose from - it is overwhelming to start - yet alone find a quality and safe option. Working with a professional can help reduce your stress and provide professional, diligent and reliable consultation each step of the way.

Realtime Senior Living is a partner of the National Placement and Referral Alliance with professional across the country that can help you. Visit RealtimeSeniorLiving.com and submit a contact us form and we'll have one of the certified professionals reach out to you in your area (not available in all areas).

Bernie Otis

Well Known Writer, Speaker, Author, Marketing / Sales / Customer Service Consultant Influencer, Certified Para Rabbinic Jewish Federation Los Angeles California

8 年

This Article is most msleading. I am 88 years of age and Ilive in a major Assisted living Center, into which I moved 4 yeras ago when my beloved wife passed away after a long strugge with Cancer. I have had a successful carrer as a Marketig/Management, Consultant as well as being nationally known for my work in helping design and build major Hotel/Restaurant Food/Beverageand Laundry Facilities. During my wife's final journey I rsearched what need to be done to prepare for old age and when she passed way I wrote what is now a Best Selling Book; "How to Prepare for Old Age----Without Taking the Fun Out of Life'" I speak to Senior Centers, major Business Organizations, Service and Community Clubs and even to High school Seniors and my message is very highly acclaimed. Here are some of the key issues that one needs to know about such facilities (which incidently I do highly recommend vs home healthcare once a person gets to a point where their walking gets weak or they are alone in their home.) 1. Senior Centers are not necessarily places where social needs are easily met. Residents often become jealous of others, have petty differnces and become very lonely when family and friends pay limited visitation--which unfortuately they do. 2. Food, while adequate is not always the best nutritionally and not like what one would get at home. 4. Many such facilities do not have activities that more active residents would enjoy 5.In choosing a facility be certain to choose one that has adequate trained Staffing. 6.If you need assistance with bathing, walking etc be sure your determine the qualty and quantity of the Staff and by all means understand that most Assisted Living Centers are not certified to provide medical care and rely on 9-11 to get their residents to a hopsital when they have serious falls and othe emergency needs Assited Living Cenbters serve an important function but understand that when you choose to live in one---and you should depending on your circumstances- you are comprimising the way you live your life.



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