Misleading Information circulating on BLH Stop Drop Products from our competitor DROPSAFE
BLH is a leading provider of Dropped Object Prevention systems and has developed a strong and valuable reputation in respect of the provision of such systems throughout the world.
BLH has recently become aware that a competitor has been publishing and distributing a brochure entitled “Slipping through the Cracks” (“the STTC Brochure”). The STTC Brochure contains number of misrepresentations relating to BLH and its safety barricading system. It includes the following representations, each of which is false and misleading:
a. The figure titled “Safety barrier competitive cost comparison over 5 years (USD thousands)” of page 10 of the STTC Brochure
b. The following paragraph on page 11 of the STTC Brochure:
BLH Barricading
The BLH barrier solution has comparable upfront material and installation costs to the Dropsafe Barrier. Crucially, however, it experiences swift degradation when subjected to UV exposure and is only covered under warranty for 2 years. This means it must be uninstalled and fully replaced before the end of the 5-year period, doubling the total cost.
c. The following statements on page 17 of the STTC Brochure:
i. The system has been third-party tested for category 3 winds. It is covered under warranty for a period of 2 years
ii. LIFETIME - 2 years, backed by a 2-year warranty
iii. PERFORMANCE - UV sensitive 2 years after installation - Wind resistance of 180 km/h (110 mph)
The information contained in the STTC Brochure as set out in paragraphs A to C above is false. While the BLH Barricading system is offered to clients in a range of variations to suit relevant industry requirements and client applications, the system currently offered has been independently tested and rated as UV resistant for 10 years (2013) and is supported by a BLH 10 year warranty. Further, the BLH Barricading system has been independently wind tested to 300kmh – category 5 hurricane.
In response to the publication and distribution of the STTC Brochure, BLH has via its legal representatives demanded that all use of the STTC Brochure CEASE and that the above false representations not be repeated in any form.
If you have any questions about the characteristics of BLH Barricading system or the warranties offered by BLH, please contact us on [email protected]
IF YOU NEED A QUOTE CONTACT: [email protected]