Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
1? Dear readers TLP MADE MASSACRES OF POLICE FORCE, sized freedom of people, blocked all Pakistan burnt more than 56 vehicles and destroyed huge public property. It seems to be a well coordinated terrorism against state supported by internal and external agents We shall soon disclose whole conspiracy of the TLP against State of Pakistan taking lead from mismanagement of weak judiciary, unruly Political leadership, good faith of Pak Army, helplessness of the law enforcing agencies & leniency of the governance at federal and provincial level. The lava was boiling for a long time in the minds of highly misled ranks and file of the TLP. However there activities were traced, tracked monitored and closely registered by the concerned people, their voice signature, complete movement were recorded and heard till the time they declared open war against state. Media failed to report all this since Jahangir Tareen and PDM clashes were the most favorite topics. Despite all enmity Indian kept giving complete data of miscreants to Pakistan as and when required. So the situation now is very messy. TLP Would be erased of terrorist living in their ranks and files very soon?It is a matter of time.
2. Please be very calm the Rangers with Police have opened 90 % roads, it is just matter of 24 hours that all Lorries and heavy vehicles would be cleared from the stuck up places. To give some factual inkling we request people of Pakistan to differentiate between Tahir Qadri and Mumtaz Qadri and understand an AALIM does not give Fatwa on Sulman Tasir but a Jahil guard decides to kill him for Namoos-e-Risalat what a pity??? So folk fight such Fitna do not fall prey to such least educated fanatics?
3. TLP has been declared banned party that means they will be dealt like terrorists in Pakistan. Their assets would be frozen, accounts and funding would be scrutinized and may be ceased very soon. Those who took part in the agitation and those who blew up the issue would be arrested and taken to task. Another bad news is most of the participants have been exposed to Corona. Now Lahoris and other big cities where the trouble erupted will face sudden rise in the cases?
4. TLP has made Pakistan ashamed in front of international community at a time when the solution of blasphemy remarks /move or act was close to be resolved.
5. TLP violated the agreement made by great Khadim Hussain Rizvi.
6. TLP has side lined Namoos-E- Risalat issue with their jittery and foolhardiness. They disagreed with the negotiating teams from the Govt. side & always wanted unacceptable terms to be included in the transcript of the agreement which was to be finalized by 20 April 21.But they blew off prematurely before the deadline was over. Yet elites/intelligentsia and Govt of Pakistan would never let this issue be abandoned at any cost and French Govt would be censored for such a rude response.
7. TLP would lose all sympathy from everyone and they would be considered not FIDAYIN but FISADIS who use the name of prophet to let down Muslims all over the world.
8. Govt severe punch is ready to be delivered with full force, now these so called lover of religion have to face the music…?
9. Any party /individual having wrong notion would meet the same face. PMLN Javed Latif Sb. You also now to face the punishment of what you said.
10. Anti-Terrorism Act Clause 11 will be activated against TLP in full interpretation.
11. Digital Technology Devise, Satellite coverage, helicopters, drones, sensors, mobile data& all cameras & voice records are well connected. Avoid talking nonsense make no rumors, believe no rumors. Do go outside the city without asking Safe City help line.
12. Social media has played very dirty inn this whole saga. Those who are panic creator have been registered, they will silently be …… out.
13. People of Pakistan have you noticed how wise is Usman Buzdar,he send Police and police delivered the best result ever in the history of Pakistan. Having suffered heavy casualties rangers were launched and they are controlling the things with police in the best possible manner, hats off to senior leadership of Police for their enthusiasm and dedication. (CONTINUED for future)