MishiMovers in UK, USA, UAE & India will walk, run or bike this March to raise funds to support Rotary's relief efforts in Turkey!
Never does the light of human spirit shine more brightly than in the wake of unprecedented disaster! Political borders dissolve momentarily, we set aside our difference and rally together to help in every way we can.
We cannot be there in person to support the efforts to rehabilitate numerous families but we are trying to make our own small contribution to help the millions of people who have been affected by these devastating earthquakes.
Our goal is to raise £2,545 (keep reading to find out why we chose this number) to support?the Rotary International 's Global Grant’s project to deliver a Mobile Multi-Clinic field hospital that will operate in the Turkish regions struck by the earthquakes.
This multi-clinic will provide an emergency room, patient observation area, and laboratory. It will be self-contained with water tanks and an electricity generator as well as bathroom/shower facilities and will be manned by doctors and healthcare staff.
We are combining this with our annual MishiMove challenge in which we will aim to walk, run or bike to virtually cover the distance from our HQ in London to the epicentre of the earthquake i.e 2,545 miles.
MishiPay will also donate an amount equal to the total mileage covered by all our team members. If you feel like you would also like to chip in to support these efforts click here to make a donation, remember, even a little goes a long way.
Reach out to any of us to find out more and stay tuned of pictures, videos and stories of how we cross this distance!