Misguided Intentions, the Book.

Misguided Intentions, the Book.

    From birth through our teens we experience quite a bit of life that is out of our control. One could say we are not in command of our lives during that period. The responsibility for our overall well-being lies with our parents or other adults.

   Once we have reached the legal age of self-responsibility, we have more control over who we are. How our life turns out is now in our personal care. The one constant during these episodes, peaks, and valleys in our life is change. Most changes are for the better, others could be harmful to our growth. But make no mistake about it, no matter where we are in our life cycle, over time everything must and will change. How our guardians or we facilitate, those changes are the key to a productive and happy life.

  Misguided Intentions provides a great read of how its central character and others meet, interact, accept or even reject change. They all are wrestling with obstacles thrown their way every day. Each deals with it in their own way. The unthinkable, the unimaginable, subtle and not so subtle shifts in personalities are clear for the reader to consume. You can judge if that is the right or wrong way to go in your emotional involvement. Faith, hope, and love are traits most characters lean on in their development. You get to examine the life and family relationships during the mid-sixties through the mid-seventies. Civil Rights, The Viet Nam War, Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll, Rhythm & Blues all while involved in free love were the topics of the day. It’s an era where the younger generation of Blacks looked to effect change in society. While the older more conservative colored folk wanted to retain the American way of life or status quo if you will. “Don’t rock the boat,” they advised. “I got a good job and am doing a hell of a lot better than my parents who grew up in the South. Don’t draw attention to yourself,” they warned.

    As the author of Gracie Hall-Hampton, the Arkansas Years 1917-1953, I've tapped into another era, the sixties so to speak.

The central character, Annie Lee Holmes may seem like an enigma to us. She like us all has that bag full of life experiences weighing her down. You know…the one we keep adding to as we live our life. Her bags filled with mean spirited treatment from an assortment of people that would drive a less stronger person crazy. 

    Society, neighbors and family members expect her to be and act a certain way. They all have their opinion of how a mother, girlfriend, widow, or friend should behave and treat others. But they have not experienced the kind of treatment she has gone through at a young age.

    Now she has children and wonders what next. One husband has walked out on her and his children. Another has suddenly died after a year, leaving behind another child. Because of past experiences, she is not really sure how to be a human being much less a single parent. She certainly would not categorize herself as having the mental fortitude to deal with life. Her environment seems like she is playing a televised part in a murder mystery. It’s truly like a psychoanalytical, Days of Our Lives or Soap Opera production. The difference is most of these characters is from the other side of the track. The reasons why something happens or don’t go as planned is somewhat muddled. Yet, she is allowed to survive; although stumbling on from day to day.

    Misguided Intentions paints a story of Annie Lee’s life journey and its effects on her ever-changing personality. The motto is keeping your eyes on where you are going, not necessarily where you are at any given time. There is always a better lifestyle around the corner. Be aware the twist and turns along the way never actually cease, various obstacles place by friend and foe calls for proceeding cautiously.  Our job is to maneuver around and sometimes through the barriers. As the George Benson song says…”Everything must change, nothing stays the same.”

Peace, yet stay vigilant for our American rights. Make it a day in which Jesus Christ would be proud of you,


Codis Hampton II                                                                                          

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