Miserable with millions is the new broke

Miserable with millions is the new broke

If you're unfulfilled, disconnected, and questioning the point of it all, despite having achieved the financial success you've always dreamed of...

If you feel unrelenting pressure to maintain and grow your wealth, always chasing the next big milestone...

If you feel the need to shift or pivot in your business but are paralyzed by the fear of losing the profits you've worked so hard to build...

If you're constantly exhausted, burning the candle at both ends, trying to keep up with the demands of your 7-figure business...

If you're missing out on precious moments with your family and friends, constantly sacrificing birthdays, anniversaries, and quality time to grow the business…

Then you might be experiencing what I call the miserable with millions malady.

It's the soul-crushing realization that you've climbed to the top of the ladder, only to find that it was leaning against the wrong wall.

It's the suffocating feeling of being trapped in a gilded cage of your own making, where the bars are made of gold, but they still keep you prisoner.

It's the heart-wrenching truth that you've sacrificed your true self on the altar of success, and now you're left with a life that looks perfect on the outside, but feels hollow and meaningless on the inside.

It's the startling revelation that no matter how much money you make or how many accolades you receive, it's never enough to fill the void within.

This emptiness often stems from a lifelong habit of relying on someone else's voice to guide your life.

Since birth, you've followed someone else's blueprint for success, often going against your gut because the child within longs for the approval of those you admire or hold in great esteem.

So it's like being a child again, constantly seeking validation from parents, peers, or professionals for getting good grades or following all the rules.

And now, as an adult with millions in the bank, you find yourself feeling lost and unfulfilled, despite having achieved everything you thought you wanted.

You know you need to make a change, but you're afraid of destroying everything you've built or disappointing the people you love.

You're terrified of shattering the illusion of success, even though it's slowly suffocating your soul.

But deep down, you know that true success isn't measured by the numbers in your bank account or the titles on your business card.

It's a sense of purpose, passion, and alignment with what truly fills your cup.

It's the excitement that comes from living a life that honors your deepest desires and values, not the expectations of others.

And that's the key to breaking free is to reconnect with your core identity and start making decisions based on what you "really" want, not what you've been told is best for you.

To create your own definition of success, one that includes your happiness, well-being, and healthy family dynamic

It requires detoxing from trusting everyone else’s voice over your own, deconstructing belief systems that no longer ring true, and dismantling the behaviors that built this life that don't support what you want to do

It's the only way to truly experience the wealth and fulfillment that comes from within.

So if you find yourself nodding along, recognizing the signs and symptoms of being miserable with millions in your own life...

Know that this is your sign to start rewriting your story by reconnecting with the woman you were before the world told you who you should be.

Because when you do, you'll find that the success you've been chasing pales in comparison to the richness of living a life that truly resonates with your soul.

You'll experience a wealth that spans far beyond your bank account.

A wealth that shows up in the renewed passion and excitement for your business, as you pivot towards work that aligns with your true calling.

A wealth that allows you to be fully present with your loved ones, cherishing the moments that matter most without the constant pull of hustle and grind.

A wealth that gives you the freedom to make choices based on what feels right for you, not what you think you "should" do to maintain your success.

Then and only then will you be able to:

Look at yourself in the mirror and see a woman who is unapologetically herself, no longer controlled by the expectations of others

Sleep peacefully at night, knowing that you're building a life and business that supports your deepest desires and values

Experience marriage, motherhood, ministry, and money in a way that doesn’t burden you

I’ve had the privilege of watching this process transform my client’s lives:

They break free from the cycle of hustling and grinding, finding a new sense of alignment in their businesses.

They make bold decisions to pivot towards work that lights them up, even if it means letting go of what's no longer serving them and disappointing others in the process

They reclaim their time and energy, creating space for the people and activities that bring them true joy

They build businesses that support the life they want to live, rather than a life that's controlled by their business.

And most importantly, they trust themselves to make the right decisions, guided by God and what works best for them

And it's available to you, too.

Need a thought partner to walk you through it, you know where to find me.

Dr. Shamieka Dean - Transformational Catalyst for High Achieving Women


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