Misconceptions About Fire Alarm Systems

Misconceptions About Fire Alarm Systems

How well-versed are you in commercial fire alarm systems? It appears that there are several misconceptions or lies concerning them. and all types of flames.

The Need Is Not Urgent

To begin with, some individuals believe that because they can see or smell smoke if and when there is a fire, they do not need an alarm system in their building. When your nose does a decent job, why spend money on a commercial fire alarm system? What happens, though, if nobody is there where a fire first starts? If a building doesn't have a functional fire alarm system to warn occupants, the location and spread of a fire may only be discovered after it's too late to escape.

How to monitor your system is one typical misunderstanding among others. In light of this, fresh research has revealed that, despite the fact that only 5% of fire alarm systems are reportedly monitored outside, more than 60% of fires occur in abandoned buildings.

?The price of monitoring is too high.

This is a common occurrence. In particular for small firms where the annual monitoring expense may occasionally be equal to or greater than their annual maintenance. Why would they essentially quadruple the cost of keeping the fires under check each year?

The ones that frequently require it the most are these tiny companies. Smaller businesses make up the majority of those that fail to recover from a fire, so they are at risk even when their location is unoccupied.

In actuality, monitoring costs less than Rs/6 per week on average, which is less than most small firms spend on tea and coffee.

?Monitoring won’t make a difference if I have a fire

The spread of fire can be extremely fast and destructive. Monitoring stations typically respond within 8 seconds when a fire alarm is activated. Such an early response considerably increases the likelihood that the fire and rescue agency will be able to put it out and can lessen the possible impact on your organization.


?Monitoring will increase the expense of maintaining my fire alarms.

Businesses frequently believe that installing equipment will increase the expense of maintaining their fire alarms. This is not true. All ongoing expenses are covered by the annual monitoring fee. The additional time needed to do the additional check as part of your maintenance is minimal.


?Don't believe the system requires supervision.

The key question here is straightforward: Would my company survive a fire? According to statistics, most businesses fail because they lack a recovery site from which to function. Consider what items in your office would be expensive to replace, even in a world where technology is pushing most organizations into the cloud and toward remote working. Most firms are unable to wait the amount of time required by insurance claims.

Does your company have a weekend closing policy? Do you close your doors for the holidays or bank breaks? Is someone on duty round-the-clock to call for help in the event of a fire?

We are ardent proponents of fire system monitoring. Financial costs of fire against investment costs.

Fire Alarms will always Signal a Fire disaster

This is not necessarily the case. This depends on the origin and commencement site of the fire. Since they do not hear a fire alarm when a fire has already begun, many homeowners ignore any smell of smoke and fail to take the appropriate action due to this misperception.

There is No Difference between Residential and Commercial fire Alarms

This is a false impression. The fact is that household fire alarms are too basic to be employed in commercial buildings. A fire protection professional would be required to design and install the fire protection systems in a business structure, but you may install a fire detector in your home on your own.

?With the fire alarm installed, there is no further cause for alarm. A fire alarm only contributes to a fire protection system in a limited way, even though it gives you some peace of mind. Extinguishers and sprinklers are extra fire safety equipment that your structure needs. Not only that, though! Additionally, remember that for your fire alarm systems to work at their peak, regular inspections are required.

There is also the notion that once an alarm system is installed in a building, it is no longer necessary to pay attention to it. Actually, regular testing of fire alarm systems is required to make sure they are operationally sound and reliable. Since a business building is frequently occupied for the majority of the year, it makes sense to ensure that the fire alarm system is always "on" and "ready." Experts should inspect both fire suppression and fire alarm systems.



