Misconception about wearing surgical mask

There is some online and social medias misrepresents how to wear a surgical mask. They claim that the proper way to wear a medical mask is with the colored side on the outside if you are sick, and don’t want to spread your germs and with the white side (this is the filter part) out if you’re not sick and want to stop germs from getting in. it is a hoax only. The correct way of wearing surgical mask is such a way that the colored side faces outward and the white colored part towards face. This is the only one way to wear a surgical mask correctly.

Each side of the mask is unique in functions and its improper usage may leads to adverse effect. The function of the colored layer is to prevent germs from sticking to it. If you wear the mask the other way, the moisture from the air will stick onto it, making it easier for germs to stay there.  

A three layered surgical mask described below

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1) Outer-layer (Colored- Blue/Green/Purple):-It is a hydrophobic non- woven layer which repels water, blood and fluids.

2) Middle-layer (Filter layer): - It is white colored melt blown filter that is designed to effectively prevent micro dust and bacteria.

 3) Inner-layer (white colored):- it is a hydrophilic non- woven layer which absorbs water, sweat and body fluids (breathed out moisture, droplets during coughing sneezing etc) and prevents germs from being released in the atmosphere, thus protecting others from getting infected. This layer also keeps the mask and face dry.

Here I am attaching official declaration from UAE Government Authority for reference.

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