Misbehavioral Finance
It’s hard to believe it’s now been 10 years since the 2008 financial crisis. Let’s face it — no matter how busy or hectic your week has been, I’m betting it’s been a walk in the park compared to those times.
Yes, it was just 10 years ago this week that Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy — the same day that Bank of America announced its plans to acquire Merrill Lynch, and a day on which, not surprisingly, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down just over 500 points. That, in turn, was just a day before the Fed authorized an $85 billion loan to AIG — and that on the same day that the net asset value of shares in the Reserve Primary Money Fund “broke the buck.” This was made all the more surreal to me because it was going on while I — and several hundred advisers — were in the middle of an adviser conference. Not that the folks on the panels were getting much attention.
The funny thing is, looking back (and armed with the prism of 20/20 hindsight), there were lots of signs of the trouble that eventually cascaded like a set of dominos, resetting not only the structures of the financial services industry, but also disrupting the businesses and lives of thousands (if not tens of thousands) of advisers, not to mention the retirement plans of millions of workers worldwide.
The question that many of us have been asking ourselves (or perhaps been asked by our clients) since is — why didn’t we do something about it — before it happened?
Now, doubtless, some of you did. And those of you who didn’t can hardly be faulted for not fully appreciating the breadth, and severity, of the financial crisis we with which we were “suddenly” confronted. Still, having lived through a number of other “bubbles” during the course of my career, “afterwards” I’m always wondering why so many wait so long — generally too long — to get out of the way.
Greed explains some of it: As human beings, we may later disparage the motives of those who, with leverage and avarice, press markets to unsustainable heights (from which they inevitably fall) — though we are frequently willing to go along for the ride. Some of that can surely be explained by our human proclivity to stay with the pack, even when it seems destined for trouble, and some surely by nothing more than an inability to recognize the portents that precede the coming fall. When it comes to retirement plan participants, mere inertia surely accounts for most, though some are doubtless waylaid by bad, or inattentive, counsel.
There is, of course, a behavioral finance theory called “prospect theory,” which claims that human beings value gains and losses differently; that we are more afraid of loss than optimistic about gain. An extension of that theory, the “disposition effect,” claims to explain our tendency to hold on to losing investments too long: to avoid acknowledging our investing mistakes by actually selling them. It is, of course, an attribute rationalized every time someone says that the losses in our portfolios are “unrealized.” Unfortunately for investors planning for their retirement, unrealized and unreal are not the same thing.
We all know that markets move up and down, of course, and we must do the things we do without the benefit of a crystal-clear view of what lies just over the horizon. We also know that “staying the course” is the inevitable (and generally wise) counsel provided in the midst of the markets’ occasional storms. And, unlike 2008, other than the markets’ dizzying heights, and a fair amount of economic uncertainty regarding trade policies and the like, to this admittedly untrained eye there doesn’t seem to be the same sort of “bubble” that led to the 2008 crisis.
That said, with the markets at all-time highs, and as we stand at the 10-year anniversary of the 2008 tumult, it seems a good time to ask: Are you looking out for trouble — as well as opportunity?
this post originally appeared here.