Misbehaving Men and the #Me Too Movement
Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

Misbehaving Men and the #Me Too Movement

First let me say #metoo - from a very young age - and multiple times in multiple situations - at work, from the boss, a brother and more than one “love interest” (or maybe infatuation).   Here’s the thing - it’s difficult to be a woman in this culture and nearly impossible to have escaped being on the receiving end of misbehaving men.  Dare I say it’s also difficult to be a man too?

Mixed messages have been promulgated for millennia that devalue women and elevate men - mythic maps that underlie the culture and cut off connection from our true nature - your true nature - the true nature of a being who absolutely has primal urges, but who also has had all feeling states other than depression, anger and anxiety conditioned OUT of him - eliminating compassion, creativity and connection in order to fit the “mold” of what it means to be a “man”. 

Men ‘misbehave’ because they haven’t been given clear guidance nor have they been socially conditioned to honor, respect and appreciate their OWN “feminine” qualities.  There is an absence of Rites of Passage for boys to move into manhood with wholeness and clarity about the value of life (including their own life) and with honor and appreciation for all their “parts”.  The culture has made it “not ok” for men to feel, for men to express creatively, for men to be exquisitely sensitive, and at the same time for men to be primal sexual beings, to be surging with power, desire, and single minded focus to attain their goal.  

Suppression of natural energy (including and especially sexual/creative energy) always results in dis-ease.  Whether it’s the social dis-ease of the rape culture or the mental health dis-eases of alcoholism drug abuse, and suicidal ideation. Dis-ease is dis-ease and the way out is through healing, release of conditioning, thoughts, patterns of behavior and belief systems that are simply not in service to health, harmony and to being a He-Man Master of your own Universe.

The objective here is not to accept that “misbehavior” is to be expected, excused, ignored or hidden.  The objective is to acknowledge that it is harmful - to the self as well as to the other upon whom the behavior is inflicted.  In order to do this a man must face himself - all of himself.  The parts of himself that he has created and inflated in order to “fit” with the societal cultural narrative which are sucking away all of his natural life force, capacity for connection and overall wellbeing and the parts of himself long denied - which includes retrieving and becoming facile at the full range of emotional/sexual/creative expression and then for that energy to be mindfully and purposefully channeled.

There is much work to do in helping men to “restore their roar” while at the same time setting in place the social/cultural structures that encourage the directing of primal creative sexual energy and urges in ways that are mutually beneficial for the good of the whole.  Awareness is the first key to healing and then having strong role models of Men On Purpose who embody what it means to be a powerful loving man where all aspects of self are integrated into a wholeness that unifies both the left and right brain, the mental and emotional bodies, the creative chaotic wild nature and the structured precise and ordered aspects. 

When men are able to access and productively express the full range of their creative/sexual energy free from fear, free from repression, free from judgement and are also able to OWN, acknowledge, atone for and ask to make amends for their prior “misbehavior” and acts of anger, aggression and assault we will have made a giant leap in the evolution of the species.  The time for that to happen is NOW. The only way through the deplorable is for all of us to wake up to our wholeness, commence to clear the way for authentic communication, begin to thrive, live & leave a legendary legacy of uniqueness & unity that honors & acknowledges both the dark and the light.  

Emerald GreenForest - Founder & Lead Visionary of Creative Age Consulting Group works with multidimensional men who are called to be the Vanguard of the Creative Age. They are ready to make a leap and go deep in order to clear away everything in their life that no longer serves and to align themselves to leading like a legend. Discover more and apply for acceptance in to the work here: https://www.emeraldgreenforest.com


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