Mirrors of the future ????

Mirrors of the future ????

Hello Venturer,

When someone walks into the room and mentions the African child, what’s your imagination? Is it a group of children running carefree around a playground with their peers? Or is it a ten-year-old running after a Mercedes Benz to sell them goods in the scorching sun? Whichever one you think of, you’re probably right. It all depends on context.

It’s 2022, but some children have never been in a classroom, even though they want to. Some have never worn decent clothing, and they grow up seeing the clear social divide between them and the rest of the world. But many of these children still dare to dream, regardless of their realities.?It’s like looking in the mirror, and seeing the person you dream of becoming.

That’s why the stories of African child prodigies are so fascinating. It doesn’t matter what side of the divide they are. They amaze us with talents in diverse fields like math, art, technology, music, etc. And if children are the future of Africa, these prodigies make us hopeful for it.

As we celebrate Children’s Day, Adekunle Agbetiloye compiled a list of seven African child prodigies you should know about. If Mozart and Stevie Wonder caught your attention, these children would do even more.?

Amoo Zainab,

Social Media Executive, Ventures Africa

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