Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who Are We, and Shall We Fall?

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who Are We, and Shall We Fall?

ATTENTION: This is only a test of The Emergency Broadcast System!…:

I believe with every fiber of my being that this upcoming election on November 3 is a test - a test of the strength of our democracy, a test of the wisdom of our Constitution, a test of the resilience of the institutions we have relied upon since our founding, a test of the words so boldly spoken in the Preamble to the Constitution, and a test to who we say we are as the United States of America, of what we stand for, of whether we can be counted on, of our core principles and our values, and of who we truly are as Americans.

Over the past 3 plus years, under a relentless onslaught of lies, denigration, conspiracies, and corruption, under-girded with the tacit approval of White Supremacy, extremist militias, and flagrant foreign interference, our young democracy faced a grave challenge.

Many of our cherished and internationally acclaimed institutions were infected with spineless, political appointees without the knowledge to think for themselves, or the courage to act in line with their own values, much less fulfill their appointed duties, and some of our cherished institutions failed.

Already weakened by Ideology, Division, Extremism and an unquenchable thirst for Power – not respecting the Privilege and Responsibility of Governing - one of our two political parties forswore the oath each of had given to support and defend our Constitution, gave in to cowardice, fear, and presidential pressure, and the Republican Party failed.

Lastly, perhaps saddest of all, our Founding Fathers could never have imagined the people of United States would elect someone who had never served, someone who proudly proclaimed would never work for the benefit of others, nor risk anything of himself – of his time, his energy, or his money - for the welfare of another.

Our Founding Fathers were all flawed men, yet at least were honorable men - even noble men - who were willing to sign a document and swear their lives to it, for some thing they could not even not even begin to guess what a fledgling nation would become – if it even survived.

How could they have ever known that in a moment and a period of national weakness, sadness, the now thriving nation their signatures had launched would fall prey to a foreign adversary, fake news, and an uninformed citizenry trapped in their own information silos, would tragically put its faith in a TV celebrity, a charlatan, a narcissist, and a third-rate autocrat wanna-be, bankrupt businessman as phony as his steaks, his ties, his university, his prenups and practically every word that slithers from his mouth? And we failed!

Yes we did!

Now, gone is the truth, wandering around a desolate landscape torn by bias, division and hatred, and smothered by Fox News propaganda and conservative radio rhetoric like the orange smoke-filled in the skies above our western coast – the reality of climate Change versus the fantasy lauded from The White House!

Now, lies are the order of the day, and we are pummeled every hour, every minute with lies from a greedy selfish, snake-oil salesman hell-bent on stealing whatever he can grift away from the American people during a Presidency he never expected to win - without the help of a foreign actor, whose help he openly welcomed!

Welcome to “Feminine Whiles”:

A pinch of Wit and Wisdom of all the extraordinary things that Women are accomplishing in the US and around the world, while men like Trump are continuing to screw up, screw around, break all of our norms and traditions, and basically making total, complete ignorant asses of themselves!

Donald J. Trump calls immigrants "murderers and rapists", he has more than tripled the golf trips he accused President Obama of, and happily pockets the money by going to his own Trump Properties, with his entourage of Secret Service in tow, all at tax-payers expense - an over-inflated expense. Trump, launched his lies on inauguartion day, forcing his Press Secretary to also lie, saying Trump's emaciated inauguration of over $100 million had a larger crowd than President Obama's. And, like "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas", Trump continues with "the lies, lies, lies, lies, lies"

Trump lies, and his Republican sycophants grovel, WHILE:

Trump lies, and his Republican sycophants grovel, WHILE:

Ruth Bader-Ginsburg's Candle Flckers Out!


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