"In the Mirror"
Juan Ortega
Cement Operational Specialist @ ICC Independent Cement Consultants | Production Optimization | 59.1k followers
Perhaps the first thing to do to get out of bed all day, you look in the mirror. It is that the mirror allows us to see our reflection in the polished surface, so we can correct some detail (imperfect) of our appearance that we do not like or that is out of "standard".
Certain text, speaks of a man who was in the mirror and took no action, just turned and left. The context shows that there were several things that needed to be corrected, but he did not care (James 1:23,24).
The mirror is considered one of the most associated with the vanity of human objects, however, the biggest flaw of a mirror is that it allows us to reflect on the "inner person" to "true self" and it is in these terms that it is presented the text of the preceding paragraph.
In the professional world, as important as our physical appearance (health, clothing, and grooming) it is our "behavioral appearance." When our resume catches the attention of a recruiter, we are contacted and the subsequent interview, it may demonstrate that we are the ideal choice to fill the vacancy in that prestigious company person, however, like any kind of coexistence, only time (Mirror) will show whether we are "really the person ideal" (behavioral) for that vacancy.
Before, during and after an interview
With regard to this issue, in an interview Brazilian psychologist, Marcia Vespa, she explains: "In this era of information revolution is nothing more prestigious than knowledge"
Most companies give too much importance to technical attributes and ignore the behavioral aspect.
"Many companies complain about not finding professionals who master their technologies, which are mostly specific and unique, on the other hand, do not create true professionals Then the inevitable happens. Is hired by the technical knowledge and little time dismissed because of misconduct to the mission, vision and values ??of the company "
Marcia emphasizes, they are not just words. "The values ??guide the behavior of the human group. These give meaning and routed efforts to make the results group. People who are proud of their workplace feel a clear compatibility between" reflection "of his personality and values company ".
Faster solutions with less cost and that meet national and international needs, that's what companies are looking for in their employees.
For this it is essential that the candidate has knowledge of new technologies and the ability to work in groups. That's why you need professionals PERSONALITY. That can be decisive for labor "stability."
Flexibility, availability, resilience is highly desired in the professional profile when working with multicultural groups and functions that require frequent trips qualities; besides demonstrating self-confidence and ability to overcome challenges and pressures of everyday life.
Consultancy recruitment and selection, Carolina Guedes, gives the following tips:
- Demonstrate initiative, identify and look for opportunities.
- Unwrap excellent posture, improve your relationships.
- Learn to communicate well.
- Be creative.
- During a job interview, be yourself. If you do not know what to say or how to dress for an interview, there are courses that can help.
- Also during the interview, it was spontaneous and sincere in your answers, no "bands that you're not" and imagine that you will have more opportunities to answer exactly what the contracting want to hear.
The mirror, with polished surface, will only have value when seeing our reflection, let us give attention to correct the disorders of our appearance, but the mirror does not show who we truly are, let's face it, honored to self-evaluate ourselves and especially quick to make changes necessary, the only way we will win, we will retain and develop as professionals and in our jobs.
Source: https://economia.uol.com.br/planodecarreira/ultnot/infomoney/2008/06/24/ult4229u1684.jhtm