Miraculous Recovery: From hell on the streets
Jean Marie: Patient Testimonial
“Where do I start….about 19 months ago I was living in a shelter and I was clean for 1 year and 6 months. I was happy and content doing what I love – making jewelry, mosaics and metal embossing. I gave classes and running the arts and crafts division of this house of restoration.
Going for my second operation on my hip in January 2017, which I believe was God’s way of telling me to slow down, I went for my annual HIV test and found I was positive. The results did not get me down but the new medication was physically difficult to get used to, quite frankly it messed me up! I was recovering from my 7 hour operation and on ARV’s so I was very weak and non-compliant. At this time the House Manager ‘also an ex addict’ started nit picking and I was vindictive and maliciously kicked out of the house of restoration.
At this stage I have been to 21 rehabs, everywhere I go and whatever I tried failed miserably. For the first time in my life I wanted to die! I questioned myself ‘why am I fighting this terrible life?’ God hates me or so I thought!
I stopped all my medication – ARV’s, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and began drugging as hard as I could continuously. I refused to eat and living on the streets of Krugersdorp, my health detoriated very quickly. Eventually my own drug dealers refused to sell me anything, telling me that I have to go to hospital or I am going to die, this carried on for about 6 months.
There were social riots in Krugersdorp where they burnt down all the Nigerian houses and started physically harming the addicts which were now homeless.
At this time Handre, my brother, and I decided it’s not safe anymore so we fled and went to Norma Gate where there were Nigerians willing to ‘help’ which I met a couple of years ago. All was well as it could be living on the streets again.
At this time, I had a vicious abscess in my hip, walking on crutches and barely alive. Still I was hoping, wishing and praying to fall over, stop breathing as I didn’t have the guts to kill myself but indirectly tried to drug myself to death.
Two months in Northgate, a tiny lady with blood red hair, tattoos and piercings as far as the eye could see. She pulled her car over at the traffic light where I was begging. She asked me If I want help and if could arrange something would I accept the help – I replied “definitely”!
I took all the heroine and crystal I had on me. That was my last fix on the 25th May 2018. On the 26th May 2018 I as admitted into Helen Joseph hospital for my leg ulcers and drug detox. Detox is one of the most intense mental, physical pains imaginable. They gave me some morphine in casualty that Monday by Friday I still hadn’t withdrawn. The amount of heroin and crystal I was consuming and being malnourished. I weighted 25kg. Once again God knew what he was doing and spared my life – I am so grateful and blessed.
I then met Justin who Annastasia spoke about – he came to the hospital and got me to fill out forms so I could be admitted to Life Clinic in Randfontien. Two weeks later I was admitted to Rand Clinic but they refused me treatment because I was so malnourished and they didn’t have the medial night staff on the premises should something go wrong. I was told to leave and pick up 10-20kg and then I can return.
The lady called Frances , which had taken me to Life had no other plans for the day so off we went to the shelter. I was already planning my next fix because I’m going back to the streets. Why did I think this time would be any different? Once again, God with his awesome sense of humour intervened again and driving back from Randfontien called and said she had spoken to the owner of a rehab called Tranquility Home Rehab Clinic. Gibson said he would give me 5-7 free days of detox.
They had to carry me up the stairs because I was physically not able to walk myself. During the next 5 days once again God blew my mind…I was sitting on the patio telling my counsellor at Tranquility how awesome it would be If I could stay. 20 minutes later Annastasia walked in and low and behold she told me the great news that someone offered to pay for my stay at Tranquility. Shortly after that I was hospitalized for an abscess on my hip. Gibson made a couple of phone calls to get me the best possible treatment; I was booked into JHB General Hospital.
9 weeks in JHB Gen they cancelled my operation 3 weeks in a row due to strikes at the hospital. The day before I went into theatre they informed me that they were removing my hip but will not be replacing it with anything. I was devastated! Would my leg flop around? The physio ensured me that everything would be fine and I would even be able to walk with one crutch. I had a horrible experience in theater as I woke up during the procedure but I survived. For 3 weeks I was in traction and I was on my way back “home” to Tranquility Home. I am feeling very positive and still at Tranquility, waiting patiently for God to amaze me with the next! I am hopeful and grateful daily.
For the first time in my life I have got the utter most inner peace. I know God will take care of me. The program at Tranquility Clinic is like nothing I have ever experienced before, quite frankly I always thought that the AA/NA program is for losers, but I started the 12 steps ‘the Tranquility Home way’ as they do it thoroughly and it really works wonders. In the beginning I thought these people are on something because everyone is so happy, and I was told that they would love me till I loved myself…what are these people on about? I wanted what they had when I began my step 1,2 and 3 and was just going through the motions. Slowly I started getting the bigger picture and the awesomeness of the 12 step program of Tranquility Home Rehabilitation Clinic."