''Miracles happens''
I believe that there is a power of Allah, and He can do anything. I have seen Him in my tough times, and He is the one we have to return to.

''Miracles happens''

The truth of whether miracles happen or not depends on one's perspective, beliefs, and interpretation of what constitutes a miracle. For some, miracles are events that defy scientific explanation and are attributed to divine intervention or supernatural forces. These individuals may point to personal experiences, religious texts, or historical accounts as evidence of miraculous occurrences.

On the other hand, skeptics may question the existence of miracles, attributing perceived miraculous events to coincidence, natural phenomena, or psychological factors. They may argue that what appears miraculous may have a logical explanation rooted in scientific principles, even if it is not immediately apparent.

Ultimately, the truth of whether miracles happen or not is subjective and may vary from person to person. Belief in miracles often reflects one's worldview, faith, and understanding of the mysteries of the universe. While some may find comfort and inspiration in the concept of miracles, others may approach it with skepticism or disbelief.

Regardless of one's stance on the matter, the idea of miracles raises profound questions about the nature of reality, the limits of human understanding, and the existence of higher powers or forces beyond our comprehension. It is a topic that has sparked curiosity, debate, and contemplation throughout history, and one that continues to fascinate and intrigue people around the world.

When we are stuck in a situation where no one can help, there is one hope in your inner soul - Allah, who will never do injustice to you because He always burdens a person according to their capacity.

I have seen huge miracles in my life. I was alone and no one was there to help me. I offered Tahajjud and always prayed in Sajdah.

You ask for help by His great names, He always answers and He will never refuse you. It's my belief.


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