Miracles can Happen when Combined with Skill
Michele DeMeo
Global Award Winning Healthcare and SPD Subject Matter Expert, Strategist, Innovator, Consultant, Humanitarian, Author/Columist, FDA: SGE, EPA Licensed. INTJ. Legal Consultant.
Still critically ill, losing blood, too, but slight volume. Hand is damaged, but hell -I'm ALIVE! ONLY PRAISE TO ALL OF Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center ! They, with not just an open mind, pre-procedure sorted out all of the wrong info, aligned what there finding were and have been, sharing finding from other facilities that I was never told, explain potential care or not...to compare and contrast , at this point whether dealing with one of my masses...that I kept being told by two hospitals..."not there and likely just a cramped muscle or ALS related. Nope... pre-horrifically imbedded, damaged, infected gallbladder with one of the stone previously told was small...had to the size of a golf ball about 7-8 years ago, just the image not captured well, over the years just grew and infiltrated directly into my liver...!
During the surgery, my truly gifted surgeon, Dr. Boltz, but she'd says large team... carefully, but under great strain from my limited perspective literally "had to carefully care and dissect out this infected, non-functioning gabbladder where the primary stone now , years later was larger than my thumb in length alone. Plus, all of the now grown blood supply to both and scare tissue, and smaller stones that had started to migrate out of my gallbladder into my liver! It took nearly six hours of surgery, then had to be revived, etc.
Now someone in exceptional care likely would have had a high potential to decompensate on the table or post op. And she knew I was deemed a non-surgical candidate years early by ALS experts and other...even with re-inserting My feeding tube... sustained mainly only on high quality yogurt, etc...which is fine...but I'm nearly at the point I can't shallow...and now post op, I'm spastic, muscularly. I'm in agony, but. Have been since my dx...
However, my palliative care team, surgical/trauma team and Plastic specialists have covered me. Giving me only nothing short of their. And that says a lot when my best is so diminished chronic respiratory failure, paralysis, masses, pneumonia, pain, etc.
I mean, seriously, it's UNPRESIDENT....The entire situation, health circumstances of an acute nature regardless get down to the now, less of a priority of needed to deal with my obgyn oncologist. Yet, proactively, all primary teams rescheduled a gust with the cancer center for once I'm a bit more out of the immediate intensive care situation.
Will I live...ultimately, still no...and this has likely rendered me with an even lower norm , but I was CERTAIN to die in days to another week, if some brave individuals said...(paraphrased) " we must try...but know the risks..." I stated you're the first to be willing to try...I have nothing to lose and trust you because my palliative care physician," Dr. Maggie " highly recommended her and worked hard to get a non-candidate into one!
And look, yeah, I might not be hitting the gym today, but I can dream about it and work towards and with in new norns and unlike Stephen Halkin, WITHOUT a vet-wink!
A massive thank you...not amount of words of my gratitude will ever be sufficient...because giving someone life...reviving them, etc., and not giving up on me so I don't have to give up my work here. I was special enough for them to....let's get this done, our teams, your strength and determination....our side of scale is better looking!
Love and respect to all durning this acute and chronic systems failure and of need of gifted hands!
See, I'm proving or trying to in my meager ways...that life, regardless of your changes, you try to " stand tall", give it your all, fight to live because the world and earth is too incredible not to fight for! And then, give back your best.
With that said, after some stabilization, I'd like to craft out some ideas to share and device development ideas, AAII contribution, others? Still interested in what I have to say or maybe try to contribute to the multiple fields I'm recognized for?
Have a fabulous day! M