Miracles Amidst Madness
In this time of worldwide crisis, it’s easy to focus on the disaster and to question, “Where is God?” but God is here. He’s in control, and miracles are happening.
Here are some that I’ve experienced.
When the news first came about the virus, I felt afraid. I talked to a neighbor whose shirt said, “Hakuna Matata,” which means, “No worries,” according to the Lion King song. God assured me that I didn’t need to worry. I felt more peaceful and returned home.
The “No worries” wisdom reminded me of what a Norwegian relative always told me. He spoke little English, so he always said, “Don’t worry, be happy, ”–perfect medicine for my anxious self.
More fear hit after the two school districts, which I work for, closed temporarily. I then listened to a conference call, and the topic was turning my will and life over to God’s care. I relaxed knowing that God was assuring me that I was in his care. I just needed to surrender to his plan.
I listened to another conference call the next night, and the topic was the same. If I hadn’t gotten the message strong enough the first time, God reinforced it—All is and would be well.
I then applied for unemployment since the schools were closed, but I got news which looked like I was ineligible. I called a mentor in a panic, and she assured me that God was in charge and that I would be okay if I didn’t get it or if I did. Due to the high number of calls that the EDD was receiving, I could not reach anyone.
Right after that, someone sent me a picture of Tweety Bird saying, “God is in control.” God wanted me to lighten up, smile at the cartoon character, and trust that all would work out.
I then called my congressman and asked for help since I couldn’t reach the EDD. His office referred me to my assemblyman‘s office, and a man there contacted the EDD. An EDD representative then called me and told me the next steps to take. I got the help I needed.
That afternoon I got notice that I would receive extra money from an old Worker’s Compensation case. Another miracle. I received the money about a week later, and more would still come. The claim was two years ago, God saved the money until I could use the extra. A miracle of prosperity and his perfect timing! Hopefully I won’t need the money, and I can invest it with my financial advisor.
Recently, when I was also on hold with Target due to problems with an order, a Beatles song played repeating the words, “Here comes the sun… It’s all right.” Once again, God assured me that bright days would come and that all was well.
I’ve had many sunny days since then of Southern California blue skies. While quarantined at home, I enjoy looking out my window and walking by the beautiful golf course on which I live. One day, a squirrel greeted me when I walked downstairs. The playful squirrel was oblivious to the crisis. God showed me that although much of the world was out of sync, nature was in sync and demonstrated God’s goodness.
God also gave me the miracle of laughter. One night while I was looking on YouTube for a meditation to do, I saw a Carol Burnett sketch on toilet paper. Since getting toilet paper has been so difficult during the coronavirus, I watched it. It was the first time that I had laughed in weeks. Due to the toilet paper shortage, I bought thirty-six jumbo rolls! I have never bought one jumbo roll, and now I have so many that I put them in my balcony storage unit! Thus, this crazy time brings sorrow but also spots of humor. When my spirit needs lightening, God gives it.
More humor then came when I went to the grocery store and stood on signs of food, which the store had put on the sidewalk. I started on steel cut oats, moved to dark chocolate, almond, peanut butter cups and then onto white cheddar popcorn. The signs added lightness to the bizarre scene of shoppers standing outside, wearing masks and gloves, waiting to advance into the store.
That night, God gave me more laughs. My stepmom sent me an email with humorous insights from this twilight-zone time of sheltering in place and no public entertainment or sports events.
The miracles kept coming. Since everyone was working online, I looked for online work. I wanted to teach online, but since I had never done that before, I researched this on websites. I then got an email for a free webinar on teaching online. I watched the webinar and learned the basic steps to creating, teaching, and marketing an online course.
A few days later, I got an email to watch another free webinar about how to survive the coronavirus and thrive. I got more ideas for work and self-care practices for this strange time.
I then got more emails for free webinars for finding remote work and how to be an effective remote worker.
I then got another email for a free 21-day meditation course on hope and coping with this stressful time. It’s now part of my daily routine
God gave me all this help—the webinars and meditation course—to cope and thrive during this crisis and emerge to a better future.
God also gave me miracles through online church and a prayer which I read. I recently watched two services about claiming victory with God. I then read a prayer, which also stressed having victory through God. God assured me three times within a short time span, that through trusting him and doing his will, victory would come.
Another time, one of my morning meditation books said that no problem would last forever and that the current dilemma would pass. God assured me again that this strange time of a world in quarantine would not last forever.
God will continue to bring miracles, love, and light into my life so that I can share them with others. It’s mostly by electronic means now, but God’s love is here. God will see us through, for he is the blessed miracle-maker.
Jennifer K. Jordan
For more inspiration, please visit the Inspiring Wisdom Today Blog at www.InspiringWisdomToday.com/blog/.
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#Coronavirus, #Miracles, #Faith, #Spirituality, #Inspiration, #Hope
Health Program Coordinator 1
4 年What a beautiful article Jennifer! Thank you so much for writing and sharing! ??