Miracle Cure & Plant of Life
This is the Real Miracle MEDICINE that actually cures, and which can replace all big pharma drugs, (that's why its illegal) because rockefeller's big pharma would lose all profits cuz all of his toxic bullshit drugs are made tru oil.
"Most pharmaceutical drugs are made via chemical reactions that involve the use of organic molecules. Petroleum is a plentiful source of organic molecules that feed into the drug synthesis process. Some sources cite as much as 99% of pharmaceutical feedstocks and reagents as coming from petrochemical sources."
So today's "medicine" is not about cures, its about making money. Rockefellers Standard Oil was the largest petroleum company in the world, Rockefeller teamed up with Andrew Carnegie and started funding medical schools all over America on the strict condition that they only taught allopathic medicine.
And they used their fat riches to push alternative natural medicines out of modern medicine. So next time you're going to buy some "medicine", know your just buying processed oil to fill pocket of some greedy piece of shit at the expense of your own health.
So wake up, or keep spending your money to eat shit like some swine they take you for. Sorry, but not sorry.
Research it, and think for yourselves...or eat shit...its your life and your health.
Don't think they care for you, they care for your money.
When you learned that you are paying to eat shit, do you keep paying to eating shit?
If not, good for you...if yes, then good for them, cuz you're their good little piggy bank.
Tip: for every disease and afiliction in the world, there is a natural remedy in nature, research it.
Heal Yourself.
This plant, is plant of life and gift of God.
And if you're following the system and prosecuting people because they are healing themselves, you are the criminal, the thief and the murderer, depriving people of their health, their wellbeing, and their lives.