MIPS Certification for Enhanced Quality, Efficiency, and Compliance
The Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) is a program implemented by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). MIPS is part of the Quality Payment Program (QPP) established under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA).
MIPS aims to incentivize mental health providers to deliver high-quality care by assessing their performance in four categories: Quality Measures, Promoting Interoperability (formerly known as Meaningful Use), Improvement Activities, and cost.
MIPS Certification and EHRs
Fully compliant Electronic Health Records (EHR) offer extreme advantages to agencies participating in MIPS.
PIMSY EHR MIPS Certification
Mental health providers in MIPS can earn positive or negative payment adjustments based on performance, driving improvements in healthcare quality, cost-effectiveness, and interoperability. PIMSY EHR offers significant advantages to MIPS-participating agencies. It fully complies with HIPAA and MIPS standards, including ONC-Health IT 2015 Edition certification, ensuring eligibility for regulatory programs.