#MiPDV – Giving Advice
John Harrison
Sales and enablement leader | Strategic Business Advisor | LinkedIn Top Voice | Mentor and coach | Advisory Board Member | Infinitely curious
This week we want to look at the opposite of last week’s article about asking for advice.?
Giving advice.?
Something we all do, whether the advice seeker is a team member, colleague, or acquaintance. But why??
Quite simply, it feels good to be thought of as an expert. When we give advice, we are imparting some of our knowledge to someone who often does not have the same expertise or experience we have.?
Is there a good way to give advice??
There is quite a bit of research on the topic, leading to the conclusion that some ways of delivering advice are better than others.?
First, though, let’s be clear: we are commenting about giving advice to someone who has asked for it. Unsolicited advice, in my experience, is a lose-lose situation – neither the recipient nor the giver ends up happy with the result.?
Here’s an example: I was attending a meeting where a vendor was trying to sell a project to the prospect. It was an organization that the vendor had worked with before, but the client had brought in some new people who were unfamiliar with the vendor.?
The new leader for the client said that in this project, they planned to do A, B, and C to lead to a successful outcome.?
The leader of the vendor responded with, “Don’t do that! You’ll just waste your money. Instead, hire us to do X, Y, and Z – we will cost less, and your outcome will be better.”?
After a bit of back-and-forth between these two leaders, the client said, “With all due respect, I was hired by this organization because I have expertise in A, B, and C, and I have a track record of delivering outstanding results using this method.” They went on to express their frustration with the unsolicited advice and how it was delivered.?
The result? The vendor not only lost a 6-figure opportunity, but they also lost the client – that client has not done business with the vendor since that meeting.
While an extreme example, the scenario is all too common. Think of how many times in meetings we offer unsolicited advice to others. It seems that as soon as we hear a bit of an issue, we move into “solution mode” and tell the speaker how the problem should be solved … even if we weren’t asked.?
Yet providing advice is a key part of being a leader – you’re constantly being asked for your thoughts and advice on a wide array of topics.??
How, then, do we give advice well without crossing into the “unsolicited advice zone”??
In an article on The Muse , Sarah Kauss , founder of S'well provides 5 practical steps to giving advice:
You can read the full article here:
There are additional nuances outlined in The Art of Giving and Receiving Advice, a 2015 article in the Harvard Business Review . Authors David A. Garvin and Joshua D. Margolis start with understanding the kind of advice you’ve been asked for; they identify 4 types:?
They also identified several potential issues with the advice giver; while some of these issues align nicely with the Kauss article, they touch on three that are noteworthy:
How do these authors recommend giving advice? They also offer a five-step process:
You can read the full article here:
Putting this all together, the bottom line is that we need to be careful in giving advice. Too often, we are guilty of giving unsolicited advice, or we rush through the process, so we are not helping the advice seeker as much as we could be.?
What works best for you when you give advice??
That’s mi punto de vista #MiPDV.