Minute Media strikes deal for Sports Illustrated rights
CTech by Calcalist
CTech is a technology news site providing high impact stories from the Israeli tech scene
Minute Media strikes deal for Sports Illustrated rights. Sports Illustrated's publishing portfolio includes Sports Illustrated, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit, and Sports Illustrated Kids. The Israeli company will oversee all digital and print editorial operations across the SI portfolio.
The Israeli startup earmarked by Nvidia as key to solidifying AI dominance. After breaking new ground with the $6.9 billion acquisition of Israel’s Mellanox five years ago, Nvidia is hoping that the purchase of Israeli startup Run:ai will ensure it finds new growth engines and remains on top in the AI race.
GitLab acquiring cloud security startup Oxeye for $30-40 million. The Israeli startup has developed technology for detecting and solving weaknesses in code in the development stages of applications.
Mobileye closing aftermarket division, laying off 130 employees. The unit that provides retrofitted advanced driver assistance technology has seen its revenues decline meaningfully to roughly $40 million on an annual basis, and in recent years has not positively contributed to Mobileye profitability.
Why are Israeli tech stocks lagging behind Nasdaq? An index built by venture capital fund Viola Group, which includes Israeli high-tech companies issued in the US in the last decade, reveals that despite impressive growth rates and stringent expense management, Israeli public companies are undervalued in the market, presenting a distinctive opportunity.