The Ministry of Manpower of Indonesia legitimizes SKKNI 21 of 2022 for Halal Supervisors!

The Ministry of Manpower of Indonesia legitimizes SKKNI 21 of 2022 for Halal Supervisors!

Assalamualaikum Halal People, In this article we will discuss the SKKNI for Halal Supervisors. Previously, what is SKKNI?

SKKNI is the Indonesian National Work Competency Standard is a workability formulation that includes aspects of knowledge, skills, and/or expertise as well as work attitudes that are relevant to the implementation of the duties and job requirements set.

The SKKNI is used primarily for designing and implementing job training, conducting an assessment (assessment) of training outputs, as well as assessing a person's current level of skills and expertise. The SKKNI is determined by the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia.

Recently, the Indonesian Minister of Manpower has set the Indonesian National Work Competency Standard (SKKNI) for the work position of Halal Supervisor with number 21 of 2022 to replace SKKNI Number 215 of 2016 last March.

The SKKNI for Halal Supervisors underwent a change in the form of a competency unit. The SKKNI number 215 of 2016 has 13 competency units, while the SKKNI number 21 of 2022 is sufficient with only 6 units of competence. The latest SKKNI Halal Supervisor will focus on planning, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Halal Product Assurance System or SJPH.

Berikut beberapa Unit Kompetensi terbaru dalam SKKNI Penyelia Halal Nomor 21 tahun 2022

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Then what if you already have a Halal Supervisor Competency Certificate but are still based on the old Halal Supervisor SKKNI?. Of course, Halal personnel doesn't need to worry, because IHATEC will assist you in understanding more about the SKKNI for Halal Supervisors Number 21 of 2022.

Let's join the SKKNI-based Supervisor's Competency Training, and don't miss the opportunity for training + competency test bundling at LSP MUI, of course with the latest SKKNI!

Our Next Training: Competence of Halal Supervisors & Implementation of SKKNI-Based Halal Standards. REGISTER NOW AND GET YOUR DISCOUNT UNTIL 100 USD!



