Ministry or Job, work or service
Do all things as unto the Lord......
As a Christian, over the years I have heard men say, "I have my job, but my passion is my ministry. I work at church doing........" So naturally I struggled from time-to-time with where to place the bulk of my energy and attention. After reading scripture about our talents and our expected work ethic as a Christian, I have come to the conclusion that we are approaching this wrong in several respects. I now operate under a new paradigm:
1. My work IS my ministry. God gives us talents and abilities, that much is true and often obvious as we look across the human terrain around us. Some of us naturally gravitate toward manual labor, others toward planning and preparation, still others have a gift for numbers and detailed analysis. We have all been given specific talents and abilities. The Bible tells us through a parable that some are entrusted with more than others, but we all have something to offer, something to add. When we separate our abilities into spiritual and secular, church and work, we are watering down both. If you have been given an ability for book keeping for example, don't leave it in the office, bring it to church with you! Help the church maintain it's books, or start a class for young adults or young married couples teaching those life skills. I have been gifted with a knack for security and planning, I have used those abilities in my service at church for years. When you separate the two, you are allowing the Body of Christ to suffer. Are you a great leader? Are you able to teach? What do you bring to the table? God gave you those skills so you can be an addition, an asset, to those around you, to the church.
I have waited for years for the Lord to "tell me what my mission is." Only recently have I found out that I have been on my mission all along. I looked at fulfilling God's will as a destination, rather than a journey.
2. The Bible is not silent on any area of life. So many times we feel that we have been left in the dark concerning a facet of life, or a question about life. The bible always gives us guidance, granted we may have to search for it, or apply principles rather than specifics. When we are struggling with a decision such as "should I work on Sunday?", or "should I keep my job as it requires me to travel?" We should get counsel from a "Board of Directors" in our who have walked the path before us and who have significant life experience, as well as those who have been appointed as elders or pastors in the church. God has gifted these men with wisdom and counsel beyond their years in many cases. Get counsel, but search the Word. The Bible will not remain silent if we will but search its pages for answers.
Concerning your work, work as unto the Lord! If you are an attorney, be the best attorney you can be! If you are a surgeon, be the best surgeon you can be! If you climb under houses and install or repair plumbing, do it with a merry heart as unto God! Your reputation depends on your work, but so does your reputation as a Christian. You are an ambassador for Christ..........act like it!