The Ministry of Good and Bad Ideas
NEW SCENARIO: Ministry of Good and Bad Ideas
We need a place to store good and bad ideas to help everyone use what works and avoid what doesn’t. For all of my Harry Potter fans, what if we called it the Ministry of Good and Bad Ideas? Now, wouldn’t it be great if we used this Ministry to plan and execute projects based on using the good ideas and avoiding the bad ones?
Read my recent blog post, Ministry of Good and Bad Ideas, to learn more about the change management framework applied to Agile IT projects, described in my book The Integrator, which offers an approach to encourage good ideas and discourage bad ones.
“The Integrator caught me completely off guard, in the best way possible! This is how concepts, frameworks, and methodologies should be taught! The traditional textbook format makes me glaze over.
I felt like I was reading a thriller…”
This particular review of The Integrator excites me, as I worked hard to author my recent book as a narrative instead of a typical textbook.?
Give this young entrepreneur’s review a read on Amazon.