Mining & Construction Chapter/Part 19.B &C with Focus on 5 Dead Heat Economic Sectors-Economy& It's Philosophy
Haroon Asghar
Sr. High Level Business Executive | Independent Consultant | C-Suit Executive | Business Strategies, Development, Operations | Oil & Gas,Petroleum,Renewable Energy,FMCG,Foods & Agriculture, Livestock & Dairy, Real Estate
·??????Published on October 11, 2020
In Pakistan also energy figures and facts change and manipulated due to multipurpose causes and in some cases, it also practices of developed country in above mentioned five dead heat sectors as 19th century was so crucial, important for future economic growth in the world and after word war 2. The biggest ever plan regarding strengthening grip on economy was started with accurate implementation and execution to avoid any major issue from developing countries in which Muslim countries were also included. The major reason was Energy sector (Major contributor in any economy) and linked with all top 30 + industries of any country of any type regardless of magnitude because it depends upon the budget. It will be fair enough if we will not share back ground of the key elements and plans along with dictating forces and factors which influence the economic sectors/Industries of any country which lead to different KPI’s (already explained in previous articles all components of GDP, Budget, GNP, Inflation etc.) while discussion Construction & Mining Sector
Oil, Gas reserves and in few Muslims countries the most precious metals like Gold, Copper, Iron Ore, Chromite, Zinc , In some non-Muslim countries like Brazil, Chile, South Africa where diamond and other precious items were present and mining started by the major players means developed countries and they also started to develop multinational companies at rapid pace and started exploration , establishing refineries in their own countries and entered in energy and mineral resources sectors , that was an?open secret that some agreements were one sided and Oil reserves particularly for OPEC countries?produced?more rapidly for their own growth earlier they were selling at very low price. In this block some countries were Muslims or you may say majority and few of them were wishing to become nuclear power which was the most disliked act for the west/USA/ pioneers of United Nations as for the last 350 years they were ruling and then thought if they will be able to boost economies then it will be not good so mainly two (2) major strategies were prepared for establishment of Untired Nations and its affiliated subsidies whose first interest was to undermine developing countries and last speech of our prime minister is serf explanatory that?money laundering?is being done at one side they kept us under loan/borrow/liability and also while building relation with top elite or majority cases Rulers or Head of state attracted by the lucrative facilities and same money went back in illegal way and developing country running in the round in same condition second is the most dangerous tactics .world that each religion/it World but here I am confident that Prime minister Imran Khan and his team knows all pros and cons.
Earlier IPP’S report prepared but I will not discuss as strategical honorable prime minister does not want to publish it due to know reasons but I am of the opinion that it is all gimmick which is being played with him and still he has not been informed 100% accurately.
One commission formed to identify the culprits who are responsible for shortage between May 31st-June 26th, 2020, Certainly Commission report will be publish as per commitment of prime minister in Two news channels interview. During this all events he is also trying to finalize not only OGRA vacant positions with appropriate candidates but also few major positions are vacancy in those institutions which are back bone of energy like WAPDA and its board members but certainly I am confident he will appoint those persons who knows work and not corrupted even a single Rs otherwise big disaster can come not only in but other authorities which comes under cabinet divisions like PEMRA,NEPORA,OGRA, etc.?OGRA has been proved already pone of the corrupt institutions specially since 2007 till to date and I am unable to understand that were these authorities reporting to cabinet division formed to monitor independently while reporting to cabinet secretary/Prime minster or there were used as another tool to continue with corrupt practices while forming mafia’s in these authorities which is helping those white collar criminals who want to amend or delete ordinance in their favor to streamline their corruptions and money launderings. it is highly underperforming institution due to many reason of unplanned growth of Local OMC’s/No compliance and enforcement section prepared (needs to be identified by commission), The theory of my MEN must be eliminated of you want people on merit as it is not rocket science since 2007 till to date it is becoming worst day by day even policies and appointments are being sponsored by mafia /cartel to get their illegal work. In May 2017 articles I challenged pricing and storage formula and in planned growth and noncompliance so whatever I can write or do I have written. There are multiple reasons to discuss it.
The major issue exist not only to invest in construction/mining sectors but also at this point of time there is need to change the few things in OGRA ordinance for pricing & storage formula along with development of?compliance & Enforcement?department fully independent and with right Law( Ordinance or Bill needs to be passed ) as in past retail Outlets used to sell More than Rs.3-4 per liter specially in South Punjab and in case of checking by the authorities at random they were charged via their oil Marketing company Rs 50,000/-maximum but they had version it is better to give penalty. Same occurred in Oil Marketing companies cases when their samples failed for the imported product or their tank samples for example in case of Byco etc. and few?evidences may not be available but I don’t have an iota of doubt in my mind that from 2012 to 2016 was the worst tenure for Public due to sell experienced evil genius Chairman OGRA was Ex?DMG 22 grade officer and earlier worked as DG oil and introduced without in depth working and firm planning for next 20-30 years, he started to issue Oil Marketing company license and covered all his worst amendments mad in last 4 years covered in January 25t, 2016 gazette as No one in future can challenge him or his team or those New OMC’s or Existing OMC’s 1-2 tier management. Then after his tenure without considering the actual problems of Public in Oil & Gas sectors policies made in Offices while taking bribe, doing Endemic corruption followed but issuance of more than 42 Provisional licenses by new chairperson who was CA but later on proved one of the most in capable women worked as Chairman OGRA , In addition to it she confirmed the license of that company which was later on proved?, even at that time lot of articles not only from my side but others were published that this company?involved in multiple white collar criminal activity butt and??Because he issues provisional licenses like anything and certainly inside and outside OGRA whole mafia & corrupt people were with him. Then after his tenure Madam Uzma Adil took Over the charge due it her unconditional efforts to signed agreement as MD SNGPL to support major agreement?of RLNG procurement with Qatar (she was promoted to MD SNGPL only due to this thing), so it was her reward and unfortunately she was not able to handle all things?and in last due to immense pressure she issues permanent license to that company which was involved not ion money laundering but a fraudulent activity of more than 27 Billion Rs , Now it is open secret that total loses reached up to 64 billion Pk Rs.
She conformed their license. I mentioned at least 27 Billion Loss because Foreign investor Vito has 40% share but at one stage VITOL sensible management who was not corrupt decided to do or die although they injected working capital of 12 Billion The Most worst part is that these thing myself mentioned in 2017 that please make correct decisions otherwise Multinationals will not invest in Pakistan in Mid or down stream business as OGRA made policies on advise of 4-5 companies and 3-4 owners and original oilmen( who are owner of the Oil Marketing companies now a days). I said that Monopolistic situation has been created, There is No fair competition, OGRA is under hand of 5-6 elements for making policies and even foreign qualified staff at higher position was unable to do anything and wrongly issued against the ordinance and law while violating the storage formula and allowed couple of companies in last 2018 to establish Retail outlets/Petrol Pumps while considering the Diesel storage as well however in formula only outlets should be allowed on Gasoline sales. The step was good but was not regularized in ordinance and that notorious action changed the scenario Couple of companies immediate completed storages and stood at # 2nd and 3rd Position after PSO and next day OGRA issued notification ( which I say was funny and itself proof of major corruption and to misguide Petroleum ministry and others) that at least requirement to new OMC is at least having 6 billion Pk Rs , I explained in my first 506 Articles names “ Downstream Business Pros & Cons” that this thing not only screwed all small companies which were already lacking in funds but also completely discourages that foreign investment and not a single multinationals could come because of Loss ,the reason was wrong strategy deliberately implemented to discourage foreign investment and supported 2-3 companies.
Then what happened HASCOL money was used in land to make storages and to open LC and providing supplies of POL products to all new and existing small companies and in addition to it for cheap supplies they made another command “AlNoir” as VITOL name should not be consider as bad. So The loss increased up to 27 Billion Pk Rs when Vitol Management forced to book entry of that product which was physically present at sources but its PDL & Sales tax paid (To understand it more knowledge required) so you may say very organized crime and money laundering so after some time whole management changed and in first quarter day before yesterday HASCO Launched around 64 billion Pk Rs Loss. This is 100% correct figures. Please note that initially HASCOL management along with this respected major businessmen who have hold in capital market and stock exchange did IPO and wrongly manipulated all situation and share value was Rs 300+ then their board members who were sharp and clever white collar criminals sold their share and did investments outside and also prepared with this money another company Fossil only supply purpose and HASCOL share started?to drop up to Rs 20 /- Now cut to short I gave this example that Oil & Ga companies are back bone of any economy and our focus on top priority is on construction and mining sectors so Pakistan can’t afford this type of another case because foreign investment in construction and mining evaluate all factors and links associated with industry and certainly no one come for charity business they want to earn , They do not come to get loss due to these white color criminals whose actions are considered to be the Mafia based endemic corruption, I am not blaming anyone but?this type of fraud can’t be executed with support of SECP, /Private and public sectors and our few respected top 10-15 businessmen who are specialist to make up and down of stock market. Few major position holders in Government/public/private sectors.
To Enable Foreign Investors to Invest in Mid Steam & Down Stream (But few incidents of fraudulent activity in couple of companies pushed International suppliers to revitalize the Concern company but changing the board due to endemic corruption) PDL /PL on Import and Consumer/Retail sales major remained major cause.
In same tenure foreign qualified Member oil hired ( that is also current Government policy and it is not necessary that all that glitters is not Gold) and I felt pleased when he used to discuss things with me at many occasion I provided detail that which steps OGRA needs to do as the actual theme of OGRA ordinance 2002 has been killed completely and On January 25th, 2016 Gazette of OGRA Ordinance amendment was issues/bill passed but I don’t see its execution only it was to cover pages with Black Ink. The most suitable person must be honest, integrity at 100% level but recent appointments and interviews showed the attention who want their men to amend ordinance and to make policy of their own benefit which will help Mid and downstream business local companies. I am unable to understand that policy and I am 100% sure that PM and Armed forces are not aware that what is going on as still Gas figures and NEPRA input is out of question. The last 2-3 appointments and upgradation in OGRA clearly reflect that what is the objective of PM’s team because still I have gut feeling that Imran does not know that what he is doing is not in favor and customer will make hue and cry and may be some persons closer to him don’t want to see Imran as PM and only reason to play gimmick and make group of organized corrupt people to get approvals from Imran and later on only Imran will suffer.
I am mentioning these things and example without any benefit and I do not need any benefit but still there is no Government control present in Oil and Gas sector and specific Mafia is playing with PM and his very few close persons and dew persons are quiet who seasoned politicians as they are seeing that something wring , the second last cabinet meeting what was the reason that Minister for Planning Assad Umar challenged Natural Gas figures and planning and exchanged word with special Assistant? What was the reason that Minister for Energy /petroleum and Special Assistant to PM on Petroleum, Oil and Gas Recommended person was not appointed as MD PARCO and Direct Finance of PARCO refiner appointed as MD who has never answered on any Audit or replied what was the reason of LDO & SKO parity and what are the reason that all internal enquiries based on mega corruption were not shared with ministry although MD is used to report to Ministry but Its regulatory affairs must be monitored by OGRA.
I will not write more on it but I don’t see any positive work by anyone in this authority after initial 4 6-7 years and since 2007 here only corruption was done and personal benefits and politics inside and with petroleum ministry which delayed many actions. RLNG third terminal politics has nothing to do with procurement of Gas and if we can’t kill or eliminate Natural Gas and LPG Mafia and can’t take action against IPP’s report etc. then I am unable to understand that where is Government. I will not mention correspondence with FBR and its results but it seems that all is being done due to liking of Almighty Allah to this Nation otherwise if Head of state says that they are strong it means he accepted defeat against Mafia and this encouragement will bring more difficulties in near future for all economic sectors.
I discussed in 19,19.A,19.B Only Mining & Construction pros and Cons and suggested action to avoid mafia and with examples explained Money laundering and wring policies and fake figures of Oil, Gas, Power, Energy and Miner resources sectors because these 5 sectors are 100% linked with every economic sectors And industry and must be explained as bleeding has not been stopped , I am not blaming FBR etc. but I am disappointed with the level of their thinking either they afraid that if they will do good or an excellent work despite they will be humiliated or they are not work ng because they know the who is wrong in Imran’s team and in which sector.
Still Government and IPP’S negotiations are in process and end result will be that 10/10 portion work to be exaggerated and will be present to PM as 10/10 and mafia will exist it is wrong theory. I accept that there are businessmen who paid 100% tax and those employees whose tax deducted at source means in advance in their salaries. But Now revitalization of FBR with same team is necessary.
For refinery and oil marketing company initial nonrefundable fee was only 2 million. Then There was not a single audit done of refineries and there?are many cases which were hide from Sec Petroleum and ministry and OGRA by Refineries in Which SKO case?& sample rejection/passing cases of Byco followed by SKO & LDO selling by mid country refinery when IPP’s were operational on HFO and in freight also NEPRA Rates were approved in a way that in each step all stake holders except Government Reserves and public did not get benefit but All others contributed to increase circular debt ending with high electricity cost. Before closing 19.C and to write 19.D few questions for your kind consideration and find their replies ate their own?
??Do you think that nothing wrong in SECP or Competition commission of Pakistan?
??Do you think that Thieves are stronger than Government?
??Do you think that foreign qualifies person from OGRA can try to make goof PM and propose RON 70 Gasoline to PM without having knowledge or without support of Mafia/corrupt elements present in all stakeholders?
??Do you think that without taking action on IPP’s and Mid & downstream business fraudulent activity followed by complete investigation of closed, open, compromised enquiries by Custom, FIA,NAB,FBR on multiple crimes including Money Laundering, shortages of POL products deliberately with confidence of authorities, fake sales tax refund, Wrong financial statements showing expenses on higher side not only to save tax but also to shift money to venders within or outside country in very organized fashion, IFEM,PDL,PL thefts, Dumping , mismanagement, wrong policies made to favor couple of companies, non-audit of refineries, deliberate extra production of LDO & SKO not only to promote black marketing but also to increase quantity of pure product while mixing in it, fraudulent activity in import by different methods , foreign investment will come except china in construction, mining and more specifically in oil & Gas?
Within 24 hours Chapter /Part 19.D will be published as that will be continuation of 19.C, while reading long article lack of interest may kill our objective.
? hashtag#oil hashtag#oilgas hashtag#power hashtag#mining hashtag#pakistan hashtag#petroleum As mentioned in above link that soon Economy & Its philosophy series followed by every major economic sector /industry will be explained briefly with regard to Pakistan and Global trend having pros and cons while brief note on Future and current/Past successes and failures reasons. Three points motivated me to publish this tonight otherwise i was supposed to share on Monday. 1. Chief of Army Staff Speech at passing out parade of Military Academy that " People say that this will not happen" but he say it will happen it shows the head of AF's determination, commitment not only to safeguard Pakistan but also to resolve civilian issues if they will be called. 2. Haroon Khwaja (Expert of Economy, worked in 3 countries, 4 cities, 3 continents) 4 points 99.99% linked with our objective. 1.FBR Revitakiuzation.2. To Prepare New Budget Paper3.Inflation News was positive that it is linked mainly with demand supply (Not a big issue)4. Economist/Chief Economist must be aware Gross root issues as every one can't be successful in Pakistan after working in abroad( I have cleared these points almost 8-9 times in previous articles hashtag#economy hashtag#engineering hashtag#future hashtag#government
Sr. High Level Business Executive | Independent Consultant | C-Suit Executive | Business Strategies, Development, Operations | Oil & Gas,Petroleum,Renewable Energy,FMCG,Foods & Agriculture, Livestock & Dairy, Real Estate
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