Lets Un-clutter ourselves.



I know what you must be thinking. Now what on this earth this means or you even might have come across this term in some forms or the other. But never thought too deep on this aspect pretty sure. Now this term's very first part itself describes the overall aspect or the meaning "Minimal" it simply defines less/little/in a specified amount etc.

Why is this aspect important?

If we look into the current scenario whether it be political, social, economical or any other aspect if minimal would have been attached, the approach to things would been simpler. Let me justify you with a situation.

Situation - Keeping yourself constant when you look from your window imagine the window view 10 years back. Is it the same? I am sure it's not. We have simply maximised ourselves over the period of time.Thimgs that previously existed is now demolished to frame or build a new structure because our needs have maximised. The only reason being that we have maximised our social, economical and other needs. Did it do any good to the nature or to you? I personally dont think so if we are considering long term aspect.

Your dream of maximising your salary maximised your needs, rather than maximising your savings. Our lifestyle now shifted from regular rice to brown rice, from vegetables to organic vegetables. Now we dream to owe not just a car but a branded car. We try to add value to our lifestyle believing that our standards would reflect. We simply dream to have a luxurious house rather than the small cluttered room. These all are just a matter of time which keeps adding new things and would keep exceling your desires.

Why are we discussing this?

The reason behind this discussion, when we look at somebody, he/she is holding onto things which are redundant. Our mom's loves to keep their old dinner set even when they gets a new one, our dad still have that bike/car or something of his kind in his garage which is of no use today, still carries it and believes it to be a part of his pride, our brother/sister hold onto the old rose present by their partner or maybe some old pictures even if they are now in no talking terms. This holding onto things is maximising you in terms of material or emotions. Is it doing any good to you through any means? Or are they simply adding more and more to your emotions, thoughts, goods and services un-necessasrily.

Let's discuss from the personal point of view and will end with a greater social cause for everyone.

Today when we all wake up, we have a pre determined set of work. Right after waking up the very first thing, we grab is our cell phones. The morning messages from someone, to applications which add social values and many other applications for impulsive buyers. The pop-up messages from them simply makes us realise the need for the product or service.

Today whenever we login we realise that we have been categorised on the basis of the services we have opted. It starts with the basics, the regular ones then comes the Gold pack followed by Platinum these packs socially categories us and differntiate us from the people. A feel of premiumness maximises our pride and helps categorising ourselves a little different from others.

A basic smartphone does fulfill all your requirements but all you need is branded one which even needs replacemenet as per the company's marketing strategies ever year and if by any chance you skip upgarding throi\ugh th emarket trend then the feeling of losser is the tag that you can sense.

A LED TV does you work but a LED TV with other facilities like 4k clarity with HD Channels and other OTT Platforms operating will make you feel special, it basically kind of gives you multiple options and creates more chaos.

A Car would fulfil your travel needs depending upon the family size you have but you still try to purchase the one with a higher brand value and even more capacity expecting someday it will be of some use. You maximise the capacity on both ends of your bank and car to meet your standards or values.

A watch would show you the standard time of your country but a Rolex may add beauty to your watch or you can say that the brand simply fascinates you. It is believed to give you a sense of confidence. I still can't calculate the relationship between a watch and confidence. There must be something out of my context.

We have shifted from local grocery stores to super/hyper market. If you notice carefully, you would realise that we tend to spend more in terms of travelling to the destination to picking up our groceries where we tend to stock up more compared to our daily consumption limits. Trapped into the marketing strategies of buying things in bulk and believing that we do need things in quantity for future.

From just shoes to luxury shoes, from watches to premium watches, from cars to fancy cars, from restraunts to luxurious restaurant's, from a home to duplex will help you reach the worst phase of your mental health. When you are maximi(s/z)ing your other factors you evenmaximise your mental health simaltaneously.

Try minimising from luxury shoes to shoes, from premium watches to watches, from fancy cars to just cars, luxurious restaurants to any restaurants with good food from duplex to simple home. From maximising to minimising your mental health will give you a sense of relief.

Ever thought of this once?

I am sure you must have but hard to implement this. If you look into the outside world with such standards. We always believed that we would be valued if we wear a branded stuff. I will be praised or given importance if i ride that superbike, i would be admired if I had a fancy car .

I won't say that it didn't work out but would promise you that it wouldn't even continue through the burden of your EMI phase. By then you already have the pressure to maintain your standards in the society and would again excel your budget to acquire the higher version of the product.

Come let's try a different approach towards life.

  1. Let's declutter our thoughts, the very first thing is your mind where you stay. If you ascertain that your soul stays in your body but you stay in you mind. You tend to realise your future action for the day in your mind first and then implement. Our daily actions are driven first in our mind and then it is resembled through our actions. Stop holding on to things in life. It pulls you back to basics. Let them go, they are adding no values to you. You simply add on more to them and clutter you mind with all the un-necessary thoughts that breaks you. As we say that mind is a place of worship and if your mind which is a temple is not cleaned god will never enter your temple to grant blessings to you. Neither hold onto good things that happened in life nor the bad ones, holding on to any of them will not add any satisfactory values to you. It will simply hold you from achieving new milestones. "Let your mind free."
  2. De-clutter your room, tough to decide from where to start from. Come lets access the very first shelf you see. The books, your articles, your stuffs every bit of it. Now how to de-clutter them? Ask yourself when was the last time you tend to have used that thing. Knowing that it was not used for a very long time, still we beleive that we might need this sooner or later in life. Grab a box put all those things and keep it a side, take only those things out of the box you need and wait for a month the results will then be very clear to you.After a month the ones you took out are the ones you need and rest are just the result of your maximise thoughts which guided you to have it. Keep the process on till you cover your own space and feel the relief in you.
  3. De-clutter your garage, jump to your basement and you would realise that the place is full of junk & 90% of your things have been there since ages. U never know that you might even come across few antiques too. Trust me throw them away. A clean and better place is all you would get. Holding onto things doesn't mean that you are holding on to your memories. You simply tend to clutter up everything.


In this world of fascination we fascinate to keep up with the trend but are they adding value it? Why are we maximising our thoughts? Do we actually need them? When we buy something, we are not maximising ourselves but also the nature. Ever thought of the dump we add on to our mother nature. The burden is more than ever expected. Capacity of holding onto things are same for you as well for the nature it will make you sick. Let go and feel the sigh of relief in all. Just let the time go with minimal and maximise your thoughts of minimising your neds. "Stay minimised, stay happy. Try not to hold on to thigs it will make you sick".

Let's make a better mind by being minimal and a better place for all to live for each other.

Thanks giving
Thank you!


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